Women’s Web: Pick Of The Week

Interesting stories for Indian women from around the world this week.

The many shades of being a woman highlighted in our ‘Pick of the Week’:

Women's Web Pick Of The Week

– The Indian Homemaker answers some important questions about the conduct that is often expected from a daughter-in-law in traditional Indian families.

– Apparently, playing the best tennis isn’t enough. Marion Bartoli deemed “undeserving” of the Wimbledon title by sexists because she is not a tall, skinny blonde.

Feminism has many shades but Rahila Gupta says that if we keep our larger goals in sight, these many shades can merge into one strong, vibrant colour.

– On how a woman is often a woman’s best enemy.

– What we should learn from Malala Yousafzai.


About the Author

Shruti Kamat

Shruti Kamat is a psychology student who reads a lot, writes a bit, wants to travel and dreams incessantly. read more...

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