Freelance Writing Sites For Women Looking At A Great WFH Option With Freelancing!

Freelance writing jobs in India are a godsend to many women, who can put their education to good use, and avail of work from home options.

There’s a kind of hush all over the world – Freelancing! There are now many freelance writing sites and many other places where you can look for freelance writing opportunities from your home.

As known by now, the traditional work structure is a world built by men for men, with the understanding that their wives will look after everything at home. It is not designed for women, especially after marriage and motherhood. The 40+ hours week, the mandatory work meetings during and after office hours, the glaring disparities in work opportunities and income between men and women, etc. are major factors in this.

In their 30s, most women are at the peak of their familial responsibilities – marriage, children, home. And, most of them are performing a figurative circus act, juggling the tall responsibilities of both work and family. In their 40s, women are struggling to break through the thick glass ceiling in matters of promotions and pay. In the 50s and 60s, most of them are just ignored and eventually done away with altogether.

Why freelancing?

Freelancing and freelance writing sites that offer these opportunities come as a life saver for most women looking for an escape route from that thankless and endless work grind. A work culture that is not structured for women’s needs, economic pressures, and the growing sense and need for a distinct individual identity means that more and more women have taken to freelancing. With this, they have struck out on their own, harnessing technology to focus on work that they find rewarding, on a schedule that fits their lives, and on terms that dignify and not exploit them.

The benefits of freelancing are many.

For starters, there’s complete independence from the office dynamics, politics, and the tiresome rat race of climbing up the corporate ladder. Coming to the glass ceiling bit, a study conducted by the Freelancers Union in the US found out that 53% of full-time freelancers were women. That’s a staggering number of 53 million Americans alone. Not only were the women freelancers snagging up 58% more work opportunities than men, they were also earning 22% more per hour than men.

Freelancing is a level-playing field where women thrive and shine.

What are the freelancing options in India?

Then, there’s the exciting range of variety in the available freelancing work options. You could be a freelance business consultant, software developer, writer, baker/chef, fashion stylist, graphic designer etc. The sky is truly the limit in the freelancing world. The top paying freelance jobs are writing, translation, photography, social media, mobile development and Search Engine Optimization.

We will address freelance writing jobs in India in this piece.

How to find freelance writing jobs in India?

The best thing about freelance writing is that there is lots of scope for every style of writing, and many freelance writing sites you can explore. 

Are you drawn more towards tabloid gossip? Then, you could get into the glitzy world of tabloid news reporting.

Does penning down your travel memoirs and reading others’ travel stories kick you up? Then travel writing could just be your thing.

Is walking down the memory lane a piece of cake for you, owing to your photographic memory and vivid imagination? Then memoir writing is your style.

Are you great at the powers of persuasion and influencing people via the pen? Then, writing opinion pieces is your niche.

Are you passionate in your line of education and career or particular field of interest? Let’s just say computer science, food and nutrition, politics, education or perhaps, fashion! Then, feature writing is a safe bet.

There are many, many more options you could have.

Once you identify your area of interest and style of writing, it is good to read up similar articles written in various magazines and newspaper publications and see how you measure up to the industry standards. Then, it’s a matter of research and soliciting for freelance writing jobs in India.

One piece of advice is to treat your freelance writing career as you would treat financial investments. The wise old adage applies here – “Don’t put all your eggs in the same basket”. When you are beginning to venture into this field, even though the payment may not be that great, it’s sensible to diversify into different areas such as web content writing, etc. for clients.

Freelance writing sites in India where you can look for opportunities

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Read this article to read to find out about why freelancing is a great option for women.

  • Why you should choose freelance writing?
  • How to get opportunities, and what are freelancing options in India and what freelance writing sites are there?
  • Responsibilities of a freelance writer
  • Time management and how to deal with the lack of formal structure.
  • What benefits are you missing out on as a freelancer?
  • How to be disciplined in your field.
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About the Author

Tina Sequeira

Author, poet, and marketer, know more about Tina Sequeira here: read more...

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