What I Took Away From Watching Sachin – A Billion Dreams

Many movies have been made based on the lives of sportspersons. However, Sachin – A Billion Dreams is a cut above the rest, like the man himself.

There have been many movies made, based on the lives of sportsmen and women, be it Milkha Singh, Mary Kom or more recently, M. S Dhoni. However, Sachin – A Billion Dreams is a cut above the rest, like the man himself.

Movies based on sports have always touched me in a special way, maybe because I have been a sportsperson myself. However, Sachin – A Billion Dreams made me become very emotional. It depicts a 10 year old’s dream of winning a world cup for his country one day; his journey from a humble background, to holding the world cup in his hands.

Being just 10 years old, he didn’t even know what being world champions meant. He had just got a beautiful bat from Kashmir as a gift. All he knew was he that he wanted to be a part of the world champion team. And finally he did it! And in what a way! He made a mark in the team in such a way, that there came a point in his career when people commented that if Sachin fails…India loses.

A sneak peek into Sachin’s emotions

People who have followed cricket for decades would know all this about Sachin. But youngsters only know Sachin Tendulkar, the batsman with the most records in the world. Statistics about his records, his scores, his games, would be available all over the net. But this movie takes us through the emotions he had during the different phases of his life, be it on facing bowlers like Abdul Qadeer, Wasim Akram and Shane Warne for the first time or feeling pride at his son Arjun’s first century.

The movie highlights the fact that he never allowed anything except a bad performance affect him. The rest was all momentary for him. The only thing that mattered to him was his game.

An inspiration for youngsters

For some, maybe it is just another movie which highlights the trials and tribulations of Sachin’s life. But for me, it is an inspiration for the younger generation. It is a movie which teaches us that no matter how forlorn a dream might seem, with determination, one will always find ways to achieve it, irrespective of the hindrances that come in the way.

To make India the world champions again was above everything for him and that the feeling spread among his team mates too. And finally, his dream was accomplished. Like Paulo Coelho says, “When you want something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

The true spirit of a Legend

This movie shows how small gestures from the coach, the family members and friends make it possible for a person to keep pursuing their dreams. It is easy to be in awe of a legend and want to be like that person. But, in reality, dealing with the struggles is what matters and what should be learned from the life of a legend. This movie gives us that insight.

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It also signifies that giving up on your dreams is an easy way out. But to fight back after a slack phase, enduring the pain associated with tennis elbow, a broken toe and still be willing to continue for the achievement of one’s dream is what makes the difference. Despite all the success, to be humble in life and to acknowledge all those who played a role in one’s achievements, to stay uncompromised to the true values of one’s life is the mark of a great human being.

I wouldn’t be wrong in saying that God makes man but only hard work, passion and a relentless pursuit of dreams, makes a legend.


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A homemaker, a freelance writer who loves to travel and has a passion for reading. Firmly believe that we all are a means to a purpose and that we should do whatever we can to read more...

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