Celebrate Yourself

Are we celebrating ourselves? As I asked this question to myself, I realized that how easy it is for us to reject our own worthiness and hide behind the veil of our social conditioning.

Are we celebrating ourselves? As I asked this question to myself, I realized that how easy it is for us to reject our own worthiness and hide behind the veil of our social conditioning.

Yes, I have worked vigorously to achieve my dream and when that dream has materialised and is no more a bubble of my desire…I need a celebration to honour my own self, I need to appreciate my hard work…I need to believe that I have fought with my demons and I really deserve those angelic hymns and musics.

When I am celebrating my self, I am showing my gratitude to the benevolent universe for its immense blessings…yes, I am blowing my own trumpet, but why should I not ..?

Do I underestimate myself?
Do I believe that others might think I am overdoing it?
Do I want to hide my light so that it doesn’t blind my near and dear ones?

The answer to all these questions is I am born to shine and celebrate my uniqueness and magnificence.

Celebrations are required for it is the path of living a fulfilled life..small joys or big joys, all need to be acknowledged and celebrated.

If I will not celebrate myself how can I expect others to do that…I have to light my own candle and the series of bright candle calls for a celebration.


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About the Author

Harsha Paliwal

I am a blogger,a writer ,storyteller and a garden enthusiast.When i am not engaged in sharpening these skills of mine in in the laboratory of life,one can find me preaching the sermons read more...

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