Women And Patriarchy

A poem which narrates the journey of a woman who wanted to fly no matter what!

A poem which narrates the journey of a woman who wanted to fly no matter what!


She was born in a family of rude men,

Where men had the habit of hurting women.

They do not want their women to know that they have wings

So, that they can never fly!


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Women choose to do household chores,

On one side men used to have party,

On the other side, women used to toil in the kitchen cooking non-veg for them!


This new born was not happy with her home

She had the desire to fly,

But, she was threatened if she will-

She will be killed.

She was fearful,

Doubtful of her capability,

She dropped the idea to fly.


Life was going

But, she was unhappy deep down

As her heart wanted her to fly!


She tried,

She tried,

Finally, took a short flight.


Soon the men got to know

She is flying,

They thought marrying her

Would be a good way to chop her wings,

Thus, marriage came into the picture.


Now, the training period started-

She was given advice to cook,

She was given advice to adjust.


She did what her parents wanted

For a while,

But, soon realizing that this is not her heart’s voice

She got away from the stupid men.

And headed to her nest

In solitude, she practiced to fly!


In her attempts, she fell down

It was risky

But, she knew

She had to play this gamble

For her inner happiness.


Thus, she attempted

And took her flight!


Image Source: Pexels

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About the Author

Mishika Chawla

I have done B.Com from SOL, Delhi University. I am currently pursuing my Masters in English. My love for writing to bring a shift in perspective brings me to this platform. read more...

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