How I Met My Soulmate!

A cute story of how the author met her husband and her daughter's father. Read on!

A cute story of how the author met her husband and her daughter’s father. Read on!

So, like all once upon a time stories, there was a girl who fell in love, despite her family’s herculean efforts of keeping her away from any boy.

I was made to study in a girls’ school. All neighborhood boys were bribed (I am sure, in form of Goldmohar tobacco pouches or cheap beedi) to ignore me completely. My father befriended strictly those who were blessed with a girl child.

I am sure Lord Budhha’s father must have not put such herculean efforts to keep his son away from worldly sorrows that my father put, to keep me away from every male of my age who was not my brother.


But is a strong word. It opens the doors of opportunities in times as dark as our respected politician’s heart.

Sitting hundreds of miles away, my father was busy sipping his tea hot, after throwing me in one of nation’s best  “Girls’ University”. So, “but happened” in my life and I found that in this high-walled, heavily guarded University, there was a chor darwaza which got opened to the world- daily!

Yes, those were the timings when we could surf ‘WorldWideWeb’ slower than a back-bencher going towards classes and were protected by firewalls, that girls in my hostel extinguished everyday with new proxies.

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Sites as innocent as Orkut were prohibited so one proxy site redirected me to a place far far away, where a boy had just started to explore the new grounds just like me. He was my batchmate from chemistry classes but, my bespectacled eyes never found him interesting enough just as no one else’s eyes found me worth any attention.

We became friends only to realize that you need to be as insane as the other to become friends.

This boy was a much-needed break from my girlfriends. I was myself with him with no need to discuss fashion, dressing sense or even basic hygiene.

The only friend who understood why I couldn’t baths everyday, who just by some superpower knew why it was no big a deal to wear same kurta for 3 days straight, who digitally ‘hi-fived’ me after knowing that I weighed as much as him and who immediately empathized with me after knowing that my roommates dust/sweep/mop the room daily. He was my soulmate and from Shinchan to Kamasutra, we could talk about anything and everything.

He told me that no decent boy in his right mind would marry me which totally made sense to me.

I tried fixing him up with a few ‘hot and beautiful’ friends of mine but he was disappointed to know that SOME girls need to get pampered or at least appreciated.

We were in need and destined to stay friends indeed. We helped each other to set our expectations right and decided to get married- with each other.

How all hell broke loose in our families is another story altogether, but we got hitched and curse Orkut till this day.

Image Source: Pexels

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About the Author

Monali Johari

A mother who tries to address every social issue that is a hurdle in my daughter's way to a better future... Be it as trivial as body shaming or as important as sexual harassment. read more...

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