And I Rise …

An uplifting poem on inner strength which would inspire you to forever rise against all odds.

An uplifting poem on inner strength which would inspire you to forever rise against all odds.


Life keeps throwing me stones and I keep finding the diamonds,

For in my bosom I nurture hope, my heart surges with optimism.

Be it a torrid tempest or a day that has been deluged,

I still sail the rough seas, chart my own course to bridge any chasm.

Over the stony bridge I can spy the rainbow, guiding me to a haven that is safe;

I trust my instinct; follow through with my judgement in my wake.

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Life keeps throwing me lemons and I keep making lemonade;

For I believe I am strong enough to overcome, I am tough.

Be it my bough all heavy and laden or my barren willow,

I trust myself; have faith in me to prevail and crest any trough.

I add the bold honey of conviction to the sourness of my efforts,

I cede to my natural inclination to plough on, trot on, and carry on.


Life keeps throwing me curveballs and I don’t even own a bat;

But what I lack for in implements, I make up for in fortitude.

Be it my life swathed in reams of depression or in stagnant frustration,

I credit my intellect and I collect my wits; I ideate, I innovate.

I match my speed to the momentum of the ball; I reach out for it with bare hands,

Even if it’s a miss, not a hit; my solace is that I tried. My attempt matters.


Life keeps erecting barricades and I have only just learnt to crawl;

But I try to see beyond that and to find footholds in the wall,

Be it a path strewn with pebbles or a smoother through fare,

I abolish idleness and continue to ascend, to scale with care.

I behold the barrier not as an obstacle but as a test of ability

And up I go, one baby step at a time, I simply continue to climb.


Image Source: Pexels

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About the Author

sonal singh

Sonal is a multiple award winning blogger and writer and the founder of a women-centric manpower search firm - Her first book, a volume of poetry - Islands in the stream - is slated read more...

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