The Lament Of A Woman In An Abusive Marriage

Domestic abuse is a crime. But marital rape? Not yet, because "sanctity of marriage". But it is the most common gender based violence. Abuse with consent.

Domestic abuse is a crime. But marital rape? Not yet, because “sanctity of marriage”. But it is the most common gender based violence. Abuse with consent.

so deep is our  love
I’m your strength
in awe at your kindness, I am
let’s put away anything
together to create

powerful a bond
inseparable and genuine
not even a joke
is a day away
as committed we are

no terms or conditions
our love is unconditional

revered I am, a goddess
domestic or salaried
profits or debts
plans and funds
let’s trust and share

for a lifetime is the investment
deposit and save
in the name of love
to weather all storms
and forever yours, I am

no terms or conditions
our love is unconditional

unsinkable this ship is
infallible and isolated
in a bottomless expanse
gullible I stand
uprooted from home
my compasses left behind

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too intense the intimacy
disarming but intimidating
vulnerable I’ve become
wrenched with regret
bewildered at the impenitence
so flawless and self-righteous

be shamed with blame
in anguish, I stand
on the deck so distressed
with no where to flee

so abstract this relationship
behind the open doors
sharing and caring
at your boundless mercy
I let myself
abused with consent

too unhinged to notice
what was in plain sight
How did I not see
I loved you a bit too much

not disoriented anymore
I see. You had your T&Cs.

Image source: shutterstock

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