Dance Like Nobody Is Watching…Feel The Rhythm

Today on International Dance Day, fall in love with dance again and dance like nobody is watching!

“Vasudha, you dance very well! Why don’t you join our club for the upcoming dance event we are organizing next week?

Vasudha shook her head in a ‘no’ and replied politely, “Thanks ma’am for this offer but we are not allowed to dance openly in the events or stage. We only dance in our family functions in the presence of our known friends and family members.”

“But our club is also a ladies club and this event dance is only for ladies Vasudha. There will no participation of men there, then why are you so worried?” Asked Maitrayee, the Chairperson of the club.

“Sorry ma’am but this is not in our culture and I’m not a very trained dancer as well,” Vasudha denied her politely and went away from there with slight fear in her eyes.

Maitrayee could understand her fear because of the pressure of her in-laws especially her mother-in-law who was very strict towards her. She thought for a moment, smiled and decided to meet her family the next day.

The next day, she went to their house for a casual meeting

Her MIL and other members were very happy to see her as she was the Chairperson of a very known ladies club. The casual talks started and then she told them about that event which she was organizing at a large scale and politely asked to send her daughter for that. Although Nisha, Vasudha’s sister-in-law was not a good dancer as compared to her, her mother gave permission happily. Suddenly Matraiyee said that it’s a partner dance so she would need a good dance partner too. “Aunty why not you send Vasudha along with her as they know each other very well and can dance with good chemistry?”

After convincing many times she gave her approval for sending Vasudha but with a condition that she has to dance in a pallu.

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They agreed and went back for rehearsals. The event was a huge hit and Vasudha went on to become a famous dancer in their city.

You can dance everywhere, and anytime if you love music. You may think you are not a good dancer but allow yourself to beat your footsteps on the rhythm, whatever the place be, it can be your house, a family gathering or a large event.

According to a survey, music can release 15 per cent of stress from your mind and dance on your favourite music can make you forget about all your tensions and worries for a great extent.It can be hip-hop, jazz, the folk or the all-time favourite Punjabi tracks which can drag you to the dance floor with its charismatic beats.

Just feel free to dance on your own rhythms, live, laugh and enjoy as it’s not about the exact steps or being a very good dancer but it can affect your body and soul in a positive way and can heel you from inside by forgetting all the worries, and fills a positive energy and attitude in you.

So dance, dance and dance on your favourite music as nobody is watching.

Image via Pixabay


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