Simple Tips To Save For School And College Fees

With a little planning, you could save costly interest charges and instead, earn some interest on the money you have to spend anyway.

It’s the time of year when college fees and school fees are due. And suddenly, large amounts of money have to be found. Many of us get desperate and resort to taking personal loans on our credit cards. Or from people who have more spare cash.

With a little planning, you could save costly interest charges and instead, earn some interest on the money you have to spend anyway. And that is the age-old Recurring deposit. Every month, you save a regular amount and six or twelve months later, you have a lump sum for your needs.

A rough calculation will tell you how much money is needed in June. Divide that amount into 12 and start saving it right away in May or this June, for the next year. This sounds so simple that you are laughing at it. But, I have seen even accountants being unprepared to pay college fees. Just a little forethought to pay any large bill saves a large amount of stress.

Now, it has become so simple to open a Recurring Deposit online on any bank’s website. With online accounts, the banks simply collect the money from your account every month. Or, if you prefer to go to a friendly bank, a Recurring Deposit can be opened in minutes.  The post office and banks have agents for small savings who actually come to your doorstep to collect the money every month.

And come School Reopening time, you are cool and not staring in desperation at the Bill.

Image via WorldVision


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Think a little, walk a little more, Cook a little, eat a little more than needed, Read a little, Watch a little more, And now Write read more...

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