All A Woman Needs Is Love

What does a woman like this need? She needs some love and respect from everyone. But does she get it?

I see the woman getting up early in the morning before the rooster calls.

The alarm goes off and she hastily gets up and tiptoes out of the room, lest she wakes up others.

It is pitch dark outside. You can only see the light coming from her kitchen.

She feeds the fish who knows its the me time between them. She puts the coffee on.

She imploringly opens the fridge and decides on what she will cook for lunch and dinner. Vegetables are quickly chopped. The pans are on the gas stove. She starts making a few curries. Today nuts with vegetables and cream sounds good. The chicken is also with some ghee roast spice paste.

She looks at the coffee machine but it is still in process to make coffee.

Two pans are placed on the stove. She looks at the spices and wonders what else new can she cook today. She cooks while the others are sleeping.

She thinks of what to give her son for breakfast, snacks and lunch. She knows her son is a picky eater and will want variety. She decides she will give him eggs for breakfast -semi boiled as that will be easier to eat. Then she packs some apples for snacks and for lunch stuffed parathas are made for him. She remembers to pack a napkin in his lunch bag.

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Its five am. The car cleaners are coming in and its still dark outside. She holds her coffee for a moment and looks. Then again she turns back to her cooking. She likes things to be cooked slowly as it gives them the intense flavor.

She takes out the recycling bag and the trash bin. I mean how difficult can it be to sort and recycle. Since she is outside her door, she fixes the shawl on her shoe rack and puts everyone shoes’ in the right place. She looks at her neighbor’s empty milk basket and knows it is too early for milk to be delivered.

When she reenters the house, she arranges the cushions in her living room. Everything should be in their proper place. She waters the plants.

Then she is back to the kitchen. The food is cooked. She takes out the fruits etc her mother in law will have in the day time. She keeps spinach leaves outside for her maid to make parathas.

Its time for her to go and take a bath. She gets ready. Yes she loves her matching accessories – her dangling earrings and ceramic or beads necklace to go with her dress. She looks at the bed as she folds the comforter and places the plethora of pillows in a design. She wishes she could go back to sleep but she has to work. Work has given her respect and financial independence. She puts the towel outside and feels the cold breeze. Everyone is still sleeping.

She hurriedly takes the dog for a short walk. The security guards look at her. Then she goes and wakes her son. Her son does not like waking up early morning. She listens to how much his son does not like him but still she lovingly makes him get ready.

Then she and her son leave for school and work. She relaxes a bit in the taxi.

Work is hectic. You deal with people of varied emotions. They dont care about your problems at home.

Then its time to go home. As soon as she is home, she takes her son for his bath and then feeds him. He is hungry. She has read the class homework etc on whatsapp in the taxi ride home. She starts to teach him.

Soon her son leaves to go downstairs to play. She gets back to cleaning her kitchen. She likes things to be kept in a proper place. Big basket comes to deliver the goods. Milk, juice, biscuits, vegetables, soap, cleaning supplies, spices, oil, etc…everyone has their own needs. She puts back everything in its place.

Then she goes for her walk. She needs to walk to keep herself healthy.

She is back home and heating dinner for everyone.

Finally at night she collapses on bed and falls asleep. Again another day beckons tomorrow.

What does a woman like this need? She needs some love and respect from everyone. But does she get it? No there are still complaints. They call her demanding. They call her lazy at times.

Image via Youtube


About the Author

Anindita Nag

I love to write on women's issues. I strongly believe that every woman is capable of being more than just a homemaker. They are the leaders of our world. They can multi-task more read more...

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