Are We Completely Losing Our Humanity In The Time Of The Coronavirus?

With the coronavirus shaking the world to its core, people too seem to be losing their basic humanity. In such trying times, shouldn't we be kinder?

With the coronavirus shaking the world to its core, people too seem to be losing their basic humanity. In such trying times, shouldn’t we be kinder?

As much as it sounds like I’m playing a broken record, I’m back with a sequel to a post that I had penned a week ago. It’s the three syllable name that’s the buzzword now: Corona.

A virus that has engulfed and shaken the world, and is giving people sleepless nights. As the intensity of the issue deepens, I reflect on what has come out of this pandemic other than illness and deaths. What picture of humankind have we seen?

Two great nations are playing the blame game

It is lamentable that relations between the US and China have worsened over COVID-19. At a time when cooperation and solidarity ought to be the key, we have these two nations pointing fingers at each other.

President Trump blames China for the origin and spread of the virus. Chinese authorities ask American journalists from The Washington Post, The New York Times, and The Wall Street Journal to hand over their credentials, meaning that they need to leave the country.

Trump’s use of the term “Chinese virus” has given rise to bitterness. He does defend his stance, saying it does not have a racial tone but simply specifies where the virus came from. However, experts warn that the term can result in xenophobia.

The POTUS also claimed that he had used the term because China tried to blame the virus on US soldiers. These actions speak volumes about adult immaturity. We are not in a position to play the blame and retaliation game when practically all human lives are at stake.

Fake Whatsapp forwards are spreading like the disease too

For the moment, personal and political motives need to take a backseat. Rather than criticising each other, global leaders need to unite to find solutions, if any, to the problem. A tweet from UNESCO chirps the right message: “Kind quick reminder: viruses have no nationality!”

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In conjunction with the spread of the coronavirus is the fake-news pandemic sweeping WhatsApp. All over the world, false news has scared and misled people.

For example, an online rumour that ibuprofen accelerates the spread of coronavirus appeared on German language WhatsApp as a voice message. It is sad how pranks are being played with human fears and emotions.

We pass the test of humanity and empathy when we conduct ourselves with dignity and patience in trying times. Unfortunately, many dark shades of human nature have come to light these past few days.

To panic is to hoard, is it?

To panic in times of crisis is a natural human response. No one wants to run out of essentials in times of an emergency. But that does not warrant that you mindlessly shop and literally hijack the shelves of the supermarket.

Hoarding has become a global phenomenon along with the virus. It only hints at selfishness when we are think about our own needs without considering there could be others who are more in need than we are.

While it is understandable that people deeply fear catching the virus, but it does not justify violent behavior. A man riding a bike was beaten up in Maharashtra’s Kolhapur for allegedly sneezing in public without covering his face!

Like tiny tots squabbling over a toy, adults, while shopping, have fought over toilet paper rolls, even resulting in a stampede in Australia. In a separate incident in San Francisco, shoppers resorted to a brawl over social distancing at a grocery store. People are definitely losing their minds and have failed to even draw the line between a trivial happening and an emergency.

But all is not lost, there’s some shred of humanity

However, in the middle of the recklessness and irresponsible human behavior, we also have reasons to smile. We see dedicated teams of health professionals and paramedics who put their lives at risk and worked around the clock to treat the infected people.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s address to the nation in the wake of the pandemic was a speech to bolster the morale of the Indian masses. But what I particularly appreciated was his request to show respect to those in essential services who have been working tirelessly.

To express their gratitude, citizens have been asked to stand near doors, near windows, and on balconies on March 22 at 5:00 PM and applaud these noble individuals by ringing bells, blowing whistles, and clapping for 5 minutes. This is definitely minuscule in return for the of service rendered, nevertheless, it will be a symbolic gesture showing that the country is one.

The world still has individuals filled with the milk of human kindness who restore our faith in our brethren. Among stories recounted in 17 Stories of Kindness During the Corona Virus Pandemic on InspireMore is the story of Nathan Nichols. A landlord from Maine, he decided not to collect rent from his tenants in April to ease their financial worries.

No one is in a position to predict when this pandemic will come to a close. The need of the hour is for the world to be one, to shed differences of colour, religion, and nationality and stand united.

Every act of kindness counts, so let us help each other in our own small ways. Follow the steps essential for our physical well being. But let us all have patience, empathy in plentiful amounts, love, and consideration for one another and try to beat the virus as a unifying force!

Picture credits: Pexels

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About the Author

Rashmi Bora Das

Rashmi Bora Das is a freelance writer settled in the suburbs of Atlanta. She has a master’s degree in English from India, and a second master’s in Public Administration from the University of read more...

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