You Should Pursue What You Love Doing The Most

People will talk behind your backs no matter what you do. You don’t have to impress others.

People say we have passed the time when women had fewer opportunities, didn’t have a say in important personal decisions. Of course, we did. But we still have a long way to go. I, being in my twenties, have been doing a full time IT job nonstop for more than 7 years. I had the same routine almost every day. Same monotonous work. It wasn’t as I didn’t like it but I never thought about what I love doing the most. Why? Because I never got time to think about it. Being in IT isn’t a cakewalk. One has to be constantly updated with the latest dramatic and ever-changing technology trends. I did exactly that. Without knowing, I was in the rat race. I had around lakhs of people doing the same thing that I did and equally jarred. I was taking bits of advice from several people at the same time. Confused and more agitated.

I couldn’t take it. I wanted to switch jobs. I gathered courage and put down my papers. Without any job offer. That job was killing me. People gave me unwanted advice. I again started thinking about it. Finally, It was my last day, I thought of taking a break and going on a holiday to start afresh.

I stopped talking to people who didn’t matter to me. That gave me mental peace and kept me away from the noises what people had to offer. I read books for motivation. I took up writing. Since I always loved writing, I thought to continue it. It is important for us to take care of our mental and physical health. People will talk behind your backs no matter what you do. You don’t have to impress others. Pursue what you love doing the most. Do it with utmost sincerity and positivity. People who supported me were my family and close friends. And for the rest of them, I don’t care what they do and what they say. Also, you don’t have to compare your life’s journey with others. That’s the worst thing you could do to yourself.

There are moments when I still feel about my decision of taking full control of my life. But then the inner voice tells me. If this is what I could do for another 10 years. If my answer is yes then I have taken the right decision

If it takes the peace out of you do not spend a second doing it

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About the Author

Umul Kadri

Content creator with niches being Travel, Lifestyle, Technical. I have worked in corporate and now i write full time read more...

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