5 Tips To Keep Calm During COVID-19 Lockdown

These are tried and tested, my way of responding to the lockdown. This has given me tremendous positivity and calmness to continue sailing in this tough time.

These are tried and tested, my way of responding to the lockdown. This has given me tremendous positivity and calmness to continue sailing in this tough time.

Take a breath, Inhale and Exhale for a little longer. Yes, the entire country is under a lockdown situation and all of us are confined to our homes. We all are sailing in the same boat, so don’t fear. We will sail through these troughs in a short span of time. The internet and social media channels are exploded with people trying to adapt to this new lifestyle and winding the time wheel fast to move to the next day!

While some are dreading the situation, looking at the increase in cases across the world, there are others who are trying different hobbies to adapt to this pandemic under a lockdown.

Here are 5 tips which can make you feel better, after all a mental health is equally important for combating a situation like this:

Be Your Own Buddy

Man is a social animal. Yes, we need people to talk, emote to, accompany in varied life path but there are times when we need to be for our own self. This is the time. Though we have gadgets to communicate to our friends, family, relatives etc. but in a lockdown situation, we need to develop a bond with our own self. A healthy mind is the soul of a healthy body. Peace with yourself and Be there for yourself.

Eat Less And Move More

A Japanese way of living says that people should eat with their bellies 80% full. This helps your digestive organs and system to work efficiently. Lockdown does not mean that we are eligible for all sorts of craving and confine ourselves to a couch and lead a relaxed life. A lockdown is like a responsibility, not just for the country, but also ourselves. A tough time wherein we will continue to look for work within the house and help in every possible way.

Create A Social Impact

Many of us are privileged to pick up hobbies, pay for online classes to spend time during this pandemic. But, there are people from the low income groups who are striving hard to make both ends meet during this crisis. While, we may be able to survive on our savings till the tough time lasts, the underprivileged women children and their families are going to bed without a single meal, menstruating girls having no access to sanitary pads and hygiene kits. There are multiple NGOs who are relentlessly working to provide support to the needy. Be a part of this chain. Every single contribution, no matter how small it is, matters.

Do That ONE Thing Which You Always Wanted To Do

Yes, we all have a wishlist which we want to accomplish before the end of life. Some of us carry in sub consciously in our mind while other have locked it inside the pages of a well maintained diary. The stressful topography of the modern life has made us puppets trying to balance work and family. This is the halt. This is the time. I know many are playing the dual role of a mother, father and employee on a work from home but I am sure you can take out little time for your own self and try that new thing. Could be painting, learning online guitar or maybe a new language. Trust me, this one accomplishment goes a long way to give you happiness. And every dose of it is vital in this time

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Listen To Audio Books

Remember, when our grandmother or mother used to tell us those King & Queen stories with some moral teaching us a way of life. We all know that book reading widens our horizon of knowledge and is an excellent habit to inculcate. Many of us have been secretly writing this as one of the resolutions for a New year. While some have the patience to read, others might like to listen. There are plethora of Audio book platforms which also gives free trials. A search on the top books and you are good to go. Try this, it really helps

Above are tried and tested, my way of responding to the lockdown. This has given me tremendous positivity and calmness to continue sailing in this tough time. If any of these ideas, is helpful or gives you positivity, my mission accomplished.

Stay Safe. Stay Mentally strong!

Image Source: Pexels


About the Author

Neha Chawla

Neha Chawla is the Founder of NGOStory. A passionate writer and social educationist, she has been working for many NGOs and foundations conducting awareness programs for psychological well being and children empowerment. An Arts graduate read more...

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