Baton Of Duty…

Poem is based on the marriage between a woman and a man who is a soldier and got injured in the war so the wife after marriage has taken the baton and become a soldier.

Poem is based on the marriage between a woman and a man who is a soldier and got injured in the war so the wife after marriage has taken the baton and become a soldier.

As the marriage ceremony started
All eyes were on the bride
As she came with an air of diligence,
Stepped up to complete all the rituals.
Blessings were bestowed upon
As the man and woman were bonded for life
Many eyes filled with tears, wishing them well.
The bride moved the husband in the wheelchair Taking hold of their lives.
The wedding came as a surprise to many
As the man was mutilated for life
In a battle for the country.
But the woman seemed undeterred.
Proud as she was of her man
She held her head high in the decisions she made.
Taking on the baton from her partner
She shouldered the responsibility
Of saving not just their relationship
But the country with her grit and determination
As she proceeded to carry on her duties
On the warfront, the man of her life
Saluted her and watched her proudly
Carry on the legacy of a true patriot!

Image Via Pexels


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The identity of a person being a man/woman/any other, being a success/failure is a caricature drawn by the society to restrict the wide variety of colours from being splashed on the limitless read more...

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