Don’t Be An Entitled Boor, & 4 Other Tips From The Essential Guide To Pandemic Etiquette

Who will teach us good manners in the time of a pandemic? A quick reckoner that will help a lot, and stop you from being a pain to others equally stressed.

Who will teach us good manners in the time of a pandemic? A quick reckoner that will certainly help a lot. 

Traditionally, lot of “manners” and “etiquette” has been directed towards social interaction and hence people might think that it is completely OK to abandon that in times of social distancing. This could not be further away from the truth.

If you are like me and believe that life is a ritual and that certain social protocols make it more elegant – or in short, if you would like to be less of a prick during the pandemic, here is your one-stop-guide to good manners.

Don’t be an entitled boor

You are not entitled to anything, not even home delivery.

Sometimes I shock myself when I type down things that I never ever believed must be spelt out.

Now is not the time to yell at delivery personnel or essential workers or pound them about why your favourite brand of milk or curd is unavailable.

Make their work easier by putting down precise delivery address, elaborate lists and clear instructions. Thank them for a no-contact delivery and tip them generously!

Cut people some slack, inside rules

Don’t expect onto anyone what you wouldn’t do yourself.

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Bitching about someone because they ordered a delicious dessert or a slice of pizza home?

We are in this fight for the long run and at some point, you are going to feel like a slice of pizza or a quick walk around the neighbourhood yourself – instead of making negative remarks about how people are “so stupid”, try and ensure that people follow distancing and hygiene protocols.

Think before you send

No panic mongering, please!

Are you the person who voluntarily texts unsolicited pandemic information in all friends group? I would suggest you reassess your role in their lives. It is important to ask your friends whether they want to be kept in the loop before you send them anything.

Be a bit sensitive

Don’t make fun of coping mechanisms.

Some people want to post a lot on social media and some people just want to bury themselves in their work – now is not the time to make smart-ass comments about who thinks they are a chef or an artist – let people cope and deal with grief their own way.

Be a supportive friend

Check on your friends in the most non-intrusive manner possible.

Don’t start your greetings with “Are they pay-cuts in your organization?” or “What happened to your job-offer?” Ensure you are there for your friends only if you are mentally available, and make sure you check on them in a way that doesn’t trigger them.

Image source: YouTube

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About the Author

Nandhitha Hariharan

A marketing graduate from the Indian School Of Business, Nandhitha is passionate about writing. She loves to write about the world around her and also enjoys dabbling with fiction/poetry. read more...

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