Ardhanarishwar, A Symbol Of Equality Of The Sexes

The mythology of Ardhanarishwar is a celebration of gender equality by highlighting the complementary nature of the masculine and feminine.

The mythology of Ardhanarishwar is a celebration of gender equality by highlighting the complementary nature of the masculine and feminine.

Mahashivratri is the ocassion on which we celebrate the wedding of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. According to a legend, this is the night when Shiva and Parvati got married.

Today I thought of thinking aloud about Ardhnarishwar. In my own way I have tried to find out my meaning and here’s my share on it.

Ardhanarishwar – The symbolic intent of the figure, according to most authorities, is to signify that the male and female principles are inseparable. A predecessor of Ardhanarishvara appears in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, which states that the first creature “was of the same size and kind as a man and woman closely embracing. He caused himself to fall into two pieces, and from him a husband and wife were born.”

Our land with beliefs in Ardhanarishwar restores the faith of equality between a man and a woman. None are complete without each other. They’re complete when they complement each other. Embrace and compliment. I wish we all be blessed with the capacity to be able to think beyond the differences of a man and a woman. Beyond masculinity and femininity. Beyond being a bread winner and a home maker. Beyond manhood and womanhood. Let us celebrate humanness together.

Let us build bridges to crumble the walls of patriarchy. Let us accept that a man and a woman together, equally are responsible for the state, to the society we dwell in.

We need to fall in love with our partner for who they are, and can be. We can choose to celebrate their individuality, their thoughts, their values, morals and ethics.

We can choose to accentuate the positive side of being humans. And treat men and women with humanness and respect. Let’s pledge to treat our partner with respect. Learn to accept the differences. Let us break the shackles of judgements and prejudices.

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Equally let’s be responsible for each other’s equality.

Celebrate the togetherness! The joy of being.

Meaning of Ardhnarishwar : Wikipedia


About the Author

Gesu Shekhar

Gesu Shekhar is the Founder and Director at Eloquence! A Personality & Communication Coach, a Global Career Councellor, and an Early Childhood Educator. She's the pioneer in running a S.T.E.M. based read more...

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