To The 15-year-old Who Doesn’t Like The Mirror, You’re As Pretty As Can Be!

Nothing else can make you glow, more than the strength you show. Do what you like or don't do it, nobody should tell you what is your fit.

Nothing else can make you glow, more than the strength you show. Do what you like or don’t do it, nobody should tell you what is your fit.

You are as pretty as it can get,
You don’t believe it, I bet

You think eyes should be black, not brown
You look at your nose and often frown

You think your hair should be curly not straight
You did everything possible to reduce weight

You think pimples make you look old
You think red lipstick is way too bold

You stopped sweets long ago
With face powder, nowhere you go.

Why? Because they said so?
Because they defined the beauty you know?

I believed it all when I was fifteen
I tried a lot and no change was seen

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Then I learnt I’m beautiful already
Let them criticise, I’m ready

No you don’t have to look like an hour glass
No you don’t need to resemble that magazine cover lass

No cream can make you look white
Try liking your skin color, you might?

Nothing else can make you glow
More than the strength you show

Do what you like or don’t do it
Nobody should tell you what is your fit

Wear makeup or just step out like that
Eat what you like; it’s okay to be fat

Obese is a problem, fat is not
Stained mind is a problem, skirt is not.

Little girl you are not ugly
Beauty doesn’t depend on what they see

Lots of love,
Another girl who is always told she’s not beautiful.

Picture credits: YouTube

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