The Awakening

What steps have we taken for the protection of girls and women? Each one of us is a culprit and answerable to Nirbhaya and many others.

What steps have we taken for the protection of girls and women? Each one of us is a culprit and answerable to Nirbhaya and many others.

The clock struck at 2.30 am. She tried to open her eyes. “Ahhh… Mom…” She wanted to call out.

But she felt as if she had lost control over her body; she felt as if her throat was about to fall apart.

“Doctor…. doctor… HELP! HELP!” She heard her mother crying out.

“Oh, Mom… you are here? What’s the matter?” – She wanted to open her lips to say these words, but couldn’t. So she decided to listen as that was all she could do at the moment.

“I am sorry, I couldn’t rescue her.” She heard her doctor’s feeble voice. Suddenly a loud wail reverberated within the ICU walls.

Now she could see her family. She felt tranquil and unusually peaceful. Her aching body had disappeared, instead she felt as if she was floating in the air… She enjoyed that state of tranquility, but the chaos in the room distracted her. Wait!! Who’s that girl, near my parents? It’s a dead body, around which her whole family was crying out. That is…. Am I dead???

She came out of the hospital. The place was crowded. Reporters, protesters…

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“Oh, it’s my ma’am. She is also here?”

A beautiful soul left us that day

“What kind of girl was Nirbhaya?” – One reporter asked her teacher who was trying to control her tears.

“Nirbhaya was so intelligent with full of dreams and energy.” Her words broke as a chilly gust of wind rushed by. The teacher wanted to tell a whole story about her, but she could only gaze at the journalist as if she had frozen in anguish.

Nirbhaya- A girl, who lived carefree, basking in all emotions that spur up in her…enjoyed each weed, plant, or flower on the sides of the muddy pavement as she walked to school, talked to trees and they swayed back to her. She was dreamy, the smell of mud during rain made her ecstatic as she sat in her Veranda cherishing the dark sky.

Like the change of seasons, the color of her cheeks too changed. She knew no flaws and had a golden heart. She read about the great philosophers in awe.

The world has failed its women

And today, she has become the breaking news for the media.

Suddenly, she started sweeping away in the wind. She dissolved in the wind. Her presence empowered each molecule in it.

The same wind might have entered into the lungs and the body of each living being in this world.

Didn’t you feel her presence?

What have we done for her?

What steps have we taken for the protection of girls and women?

Hasn’t this become common news, now-days? About babies, girls, and even woman officials are being torn down for the lust of flesh? Who can escape from these monsters?

But it is not far that this turbulent wind enters our lungs and nostrils, choking us to death. Each one of us is a culprit and answerable to Nirbhaya and many others.

Can’t you hear her, whimpering in the wind:–“WAKE UP…..DO SOMETHING……PLEASE ACT NOW.”

Photo by luizclas from Pexels

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About the Author


Deepa.R. Krishnan✍ A Public Relations Consultant in Dubai. Digital content creator. Cherie Blair foundation mentor alumna. Mohiniyattam dancer. Favorite quote: "The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough." read more...

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