7 Badass And Motivational Quotes By Women To End 2020 With!

2020 was a year of the unexpected. So as it draws to a close, here are 7 badass motivational quotes from women to end the year with!

2020 was a year of the unexpected. So as it draws to a close, here are 7 badass motivational quotes from women to end the year with!

With 2020 coming to an end, the novel coronavirus pandemic has made us live through some of the toughest times in history. We lived through a pandemic, bushfires, forest fires, locust infestations, floods and a lot more!

With all of that, we are all in need of some motivation. And what better for it than motivational quotes by women who withstood everything the world threw at them and emerged as inspirational individuals! These women are kickass and have done their bit to bring about change and some of them inspire us even decades after their deaths.

So here are some motivational quotes from women writers, poets and activists. These quotes will definitely help you remember that despite the hurdles, you too can reach your goals. That you too can learn to love and respect yourself, get your dream job or change the world. These quotes will help you remember that you too are powerful!

You are fearless!

“Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful.” – Mary Shelly.

Remember, you’re a free human

“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with independent will.” Charlotte Bronte.

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People can and will unite!

“But there’s a message there for everyone and it is that people can unite, that democracy from below can challenge oligarchy, that imprisoned migrants can be freed, that fascism can be overcome and that equality is emancipatory.” Angela Davis.

Sometimes, it’s good to just listen

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. Maybe many of us won’t be here to greet her, but on a quiet day, if I listen very carefully, I can hear her breathing.” Arundhati Roy.

We can’t be silenced anymore and we will speak up!

“I no longer believe we can keep silent. We never really do, mind you. In one way or another, we articulate what has happened to us through the kind of people we become.” Azar Nafisi.

You are strong with everything you’ve been through

“I am the woman who is willing to display her scars and put them within exhibition frames. I am the madwoman of moon days. I am the breast-beating woman who howls. I am the woman who wills the skies to weep in her place.” Meena Kandasamy.

You are resilient and you are powerful

“My body is resilient. It can endure all kinds of things. My body offers me the power of presence. My body is powerful.” Roxane Gay.

Main image credits: Photo by Matheus Bertelli from Pexels


About the Author


A postgraduate student of Political Science at Presidency University, Kolkata. Describes herself as an intersectional feminist and an avid reader when she's not busy telling people about her cats. Adores walking around and exploring read more...

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