Whether You Earn Or Not Has Nothing To Do With You Being An Independent Homemaker

If you think, stay-at-home mothers or even home-makers aren't independent, let me tell you why they are incredibly independent!

If you think, stay-at-home mothers or even home-makers aren’t independent, let me tell you why they are incredibly independent!

To all the sweet mommies, I know there is a question that triggers and bothers you at some point in time. The question that you often ask yourself, ‘Am I independent?’ It is not a strange question to ask since we all know the transformation of an independent woman to a dependent mother is not an easy one. She may be dependent on her spouse and family for a number of reasons, from financial dependency to cognitive assistance, it could be anything. 

However, think again. Is the mom who isn’t earning or crediting her account at the end of the month, not called independent? Yes, she is! I would say, being independent has a wider term than just being an earning member. 

You are independent if you know the financials of your family, your bank account details, and you have the vision and knowledge of your own financial planning. Similarly, you are independent if you have a bank account opened in your name and if you are aware of the funds credited and debited in your account. Financial independence doesn’t just come from earning, it also comes from properly utilising funds and saving in the proper schemes. 

You are independent even if you don’t earn!

You are also independent if you can drive a vehicle and manage the activities outside your house without depending on your spouse or kids. As long as you can drive a vehicle when you need to step out, you are definitely independent. Driving gives women the freedom to explore and discover the world around them. 

You are independent if you know your health portfolio and are taking good care of yourself with healthy diets and an exercise routine. As long as you are aware of the doctors and aren’t hesitant to get yourself checked in case of a medical issue, you definitely are independent. A healthy woman is someone who can keep herself and her family healthy. 

You are independent if you make decisions for yourself and everyone in the family acknowledges it constructively. In your family, you need to be strong and have open communication, and try to make sure everyone follows the culture of equality. 

I don’t think women can ever be called ‘dependent’

You are independent if you have your own PAN card, Aadhar card, debit and/or credit card and passport. Further, if you have an ease of access to all of these, whenever needed, you are independent. 

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You are independent if you operate all your online banking transactions if you can book your tickets and manage other online activities. In case of an emergency, you need to be aware of all of your spouse’s bank account details and passwords. You need to know these just so that you don’t feel helpless or messed up in case of unexpected circumstances. 

Lastly, you must try to earn a little, even if it isn’t a compulsion, through your passions and hobbies. Even if you don’t earn much, this will give you the satisfaction of doing something you love. And if you do earn, it will give you the name and fame along with certain monetary gains. 

A woman can never really be dependent on anyone as she is the creator and her family is usually pretty dependent on her.

A version of this was first published here.

Picture credits: Still from Marathi TV series Aai Kuthe Kay Karte

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[email protected]

Sagarika Sahoo has done MBA and M.Com and pursued her career as a lecturer. She had short term experience in IT companies as a finance professional as well. She is now a full-time read more...

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