Thanking Our COVID-19 Women Warriors

While we all face many challenges posed by COVID, women have risen to the occasion and fight the good fight for so many of us.

While we all face many challenges posed by COVID, women have risen to the occasion and fight the good fight for so many of us.

COVID-19 has made warriors out of many of us. We all are struggling different ways – men, women and children all have their battles to fight to withstand this disease.

A woman who is the maker of a household has additional responsibilities towards the family and society. She isn’t scared, rather she fights with the crisis and saves her world.

Let’s meet these Covid women warriors-

The homemaker who is struggling with the added pressure of work she had earlier outsourced to maids. Now, her entire day is occupied with housework and cooking. She has to take the extra effort to sanitise and keep the house cleaner than before. Her me-time is now committed to children and her favourite room has been turned into her husband’s office. She takes utmost care of maintaining her family’s health.

The working professional who is not only managing her office work but also is also running the household. Every day she has to face a tug of war between the office and home duties. She is the one who is proving that a woman is a warrior who never quits.

A lady physician who is also a mother. She has to fulfil her obligation towards serving the larger humankind. She is a brave heart who doesn’t meet her child for the fear of her child getting an infection. Day and night she serves people and treats their disease.

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A teacher who is a nurturer of our future generations. She doesn’t forego of her roles and responsibilities, and teaches children with the new technologies. She manages a class of students on one laptop which is so demanding even in a big classroom. Virtually, she teaches students with the same dedication and stands by them like a rock.

A lady police officer who works overnight to see people are following lockdown rules and regulations, and risking her life to save others lives. She is truly a warrior.

Lets also extend our gratitude to the women warriors who are often overlooked-

The maids who aren’t permitted to work in the lockdown phase and have gone through with so much financial crisis. Yet still they managed to run their family. Post lockdown, they again became strengths for many families who are struggling hard to keep up with their work and house duties.

The housekeeping lady staff who never take a day off because our apartment complexes need proper cleaning and sanitisation. They risk their lives for social welfare.

I salute all the women warriors!

Image Source- Canva

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About the Author

[email protected]

Sagarika Sahoo has done MBA and M.Com and pursued her career as a lecturer. She had short term experience in IT companies as a finance professional as well. She is now a full-time read more...

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