Cheeky 36’s In A Modern World

I have not embraced motherhood like my other friends, but I am basking in my happiness because that's what matters the most. 

It’s the January celebrations because it’s my birthday month.

On January 07th, 36 is the new number. I am grateful for the long life of 35 beautiful years that God has blessed me. Its been challenging and refreshing in phases work-wise and on a personal level. 

I have always been a reserved individual, with less interaction with the outer world and more of a loner. 

I gained financial freedom at a young age. Worked with two leading publications since 2008. Maintained good relations with few and severed with many, but I guess that’s life. 

I learned the art of diplomacy at my workplace but never compromised on sincerity and dedication. I am glad I am still alive with these two qualities. I guess I can say I have survived the emotional turmoil and downright hostility of the world functions purely on people-pleasing methods.

One quality that has remained persistent is that I have always called the shots in my life, even though I might consult my family or friends.

Married at 25 and completing a decade of the same has pushed me into the experienced lot of women who marry young and procreate and live a vicious circle of life. My life has been different from the beginning.

I am married but with no kids and, I don’t see it happening either, but I am happy.  I have been staying separately for two years from my spouse. Trying the reconciliation route, but you clap with two hands and not one.

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Should I be worried about turning 36???

No. I love celebrating my life.

Age is just a number and, 36 is one of them. In this modern era, I am just another woman with a sense of responsibility and frailty that accompanies me. Taking stock of how life has progressed is a necessity.

I have not embraced motherhood like my other friends, but I am basking in my happiness because that’s what matters the most. There have been upside-down moments and vague incidents. Else I am an open book.       

Entering into the Mid thirties that leads you to the raging 40s is an adventure in itself. I am trying to travel much as I can before my back and legs give way. I often wonder whether women should succumb to the thumb rule of not disclosing our age because I give away my age gracefully. 

So 36 you, come along and, we shall see how we get along together.

I have earned my greys and a beautiful family, friends, and neighbours. I Had the privilege of visiting different cities and all by myself. I guess courage is a privilege bequeathed to all but utilized by a few.

As you grow older and hopefully wiser, age shrivels at the back of the mind. Your persona and character are one of the requisites of time.  The ability to judge a person or a group is still limited. I don’t feel the need for validation by someone else or my need to validate somebody because we are unique in our ways.

Basking into the late thirties has its pros and cons. The world sees us like the matured lot.

We women feel like we are back in the mid-twenties segment. Conforming to current trends on social media takes a nosedive because what we see is all figments of happiness for the internet. Reality strikes us at this point that we are beautiful just the way we are. Life is not at all a rosy picture. Dark clouds would shroud our paths, followed by a colourful rainbow.

Tons of Compromises and battles are the choices that will double up in numbers. 

Hoping 36 will be the year for me.

Image Source: adamkaz from Getty Images Signature, Canva Pro 

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denise Borges

An Avid reader and a travel enthusiast who believes in simplicity. read more...

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