Is Women Empowerment A Joke?

Why are women always appreciated for being sacrificing, tolerant, loving, and caring and not confident, determined, and ambitious?

A much talk about but less thought about the topic- Women empowerment.

We have spoken so much about women’s empowerment in the last 10 years. We have seen changes also, and we have seen the non-acceptance as well. The male chauvinist of the society suddenly threatened by the ever-growing confident women and their ideologies are unsure how to deal with it and therefore are trying to reinforce their supremacy, whether it is in families, corporate world, villages, or towns.

But are they the only ones causing friction and threat to the cause?

After watching one of the episodes of #SatyamevaJayate , my belief was reinforced. It is not the MAN, it’s the society, our so-called values, and culture, our WOMEN. Yes, Indian culture is endorsed to be one of the most respected cultures, and yet it is the same culture that has the dowry and purdah systems.

Our so-called revered culture and values are to be blamed for the women’s troubled stand in our country. We worship goddesses but dehumanize women in our culture through the act of Sati, dowry & purdah system.

Isn’t it ironic? We all want Sita and Laxmi (All sacrificing, docile, and adjusting) for our house and not Durga or Kali (fierce, independent, saviors).

Why are goddesses shown as playing the second fiddle to gods not just in Hindu mythology, but Roman, Greek, and many more. Shakti, the goddess is the essence of creation itself, just like woman is in our universe. Let’s accept the fact that without a woman (or the feminine power), there is no evolution, no creation, no future, so why don’t we treat our women better, if not with more, then equal respect.

Let’s leave the Gods alone, let’s look at our system, where every mother’s first statement after her daughter’s marriage is to ask her to adjust with their new family; when a father is ready to pay for dowry but not for their daughter’s education; when society expects a girl’s happiness to always depend on someone else; aren’t we letting our girls down?

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Why is it that the women should eat after the men eat, or are presumed to be born chefs?

What if a girl just ‘hates cooking’, just like a guy can ‘hate shopping’?

Why is it that, everyone expects their daughter-in-law to be all devoted to the family post marriage at expense of their career?

Why ‘family comes first’, is commonly used for girls and women?

Why are women always appreciated for being sacrificing, tolerant, loving, and caring and not confident, determined, and ambitious?

Why is the statement ‘don’t behave like a girl’ a condescending statement for a guy and ‘you are like my son’ a complimentary statement for a girl?

If you start asking these questions, there are many more. But it has to begin with the first question.

Ask Question!

Unless we ask questions we will keep adjusting. It is for us women to bring the change, for every mother, every mother-in-law, every sister, every daughter, and every wife.

Value Yourself and Value Women! Unless you do, nobody will.

Image Source: Pexels via Canva Pro

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About the Author

Pragya Sugandha

Experimenting with experiences is the mantra of my life. Writing is a passion that helps me channel my emotions and recreate memories, publish points of view and create stories. A self-proclaimed creative soul, I read more...

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