So What, If They Have Four Legs? They Are My Best Friends!

The first thing I did after I got married was to get home two naughty puppies. I learnt to feed them, clean up after them and worry when they were sick. My life changed, almost overnight. I now had two friends who were always there for me, wagging their tails each time I came home!


Growing up, I knew nothing about four-legged furry creatures. I did love animals and enjoyed watching documentaries on National Geographic, but my first-hand experience of living creatures was limited to plants and flowers.

I loved stories by Gerald Durell and always dreamed of having a dog at home, but my mother would not hear of it. In my childhood, I loved visiting my aunt in Chennai, whose home was full of animals and love.

So the first thing I did after I got married was to get home two naughty puppies.

I learnt to feed them, clean up after them and worry when they were sick. My life changed, almost overnight. I now had two friends who were always there for me, wagging their tails each time I came home.

Women’s best friends are also dogs!

I have told them everything— my joys, my failures, my darkest secrets. Not only that, but I have sung lullabies for them and have dressed them up in bow-ties. I usually value my personal space, but with my dogs, they are free to use my bed and sometimes my lipstick. (Okay, the last thing is a joke, don’t freak out!)

As if all the chaos was not enough, another little one wrapped herself around my legs a few years later and did not want to let go. Yes, she came home too.  

People would ask me, “Why three dogs?”

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Frankly, I do not know. It is like asking a mother, why do you have two kids, when one is enough? They just happened and I do not regret it. In fact, my life was so much happier. To prove it, here are some valuable things I learned from my dogs.


Love, we need unconditional love

Well, they would do anything for food, but I would do anything for their love and affection.

Each time I came back home, I received the same warmth, the same affection, the same “Where-were-you-i-missed-you-so-much” look.

So What, If They Have Four Legs? They Are My Best Friends!

Laughter is everywhere

Each day, our dogs would do a new funny thing. We talked about it, we laughed. Like how our labrador would wait at the door once he had made up his mind to go on a walk.

Or my german shepherd that used to stand on two feet in the balcony and ogle at girls (No, that is NOT a joke!). Or how Lulu snuggles under my husband’s arm each night. Life is all about these lighter moments, isn’t it?

Thanks to our dogs, our days were full of them.

Letting go and living in the present 

Dogs do not hold grudges.

They do not remember how you treated them yesterday; they only care about today. Right here, right now, I lick you, you hug me and all is fine. Seems like the perfect theory of happiness to me.

So that is why I once had three of them.

Because you can never have too many friends.

Image Source: Author and Lum3n via pexels free on Canva Pro

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About the Author

Vaidehi Sriram

Vaidehi is a teacher and mentor who is extremely passionate about pedagogy, writing and the arts. read more...

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