Hansika Motwani Pre-Sold Her Wedding Video Rights To Hotstar – Should We Judge Her?

Is Hansika Motwani doing anything really bizarre? It is common practice for celebrities to sell exclusive rights to their wedding, new baby etc. to publications.

We heard about a rather unique proposition on social media recently – the monetisation of a wedding – by transforming it into a reality TV show. Now I will admit my first reaction to this was horrified disbelief.

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Selling the rights to one’s wedding to a streaming platform to create what is bound to be an intrusive invasion of something that should be private – not a very savoury idea. However, if I take my personal judgement out of the equation, my next question would be, why the hell not? After all, haven’t series like Indian Matchmaking done the same thing in a way?

“Hansika’s Love Shaadi Drama – Hotstar Special Streaming from 10th February”

Disclaimer – I have woefully inadequate knowledge of reality TV, because my eyes cross in incomprehension each time I try to sit through a single episode of Bigg Boss. That said, Hansika’s Love Shaadi Drama seems to have all the ingredients for a good reality TV show: the tears, drama, conflict, love, spectacle…I’m not too sure what else.

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The predictable reaction

Pure cringe. These guys do anything for money, says this tweet.

This is a common reaction from the content-consuming mango people. The very people who will perhaps avidly watch the series disapprove of the ‘money-grubbing’ ways of ‘these celebrities’.

It is common practice for celebrities to sell exclusive rights to their wedding, new baby etc. to publications. This only caters to the insatiable demand for any scrap of celebrity news after all. If a celebrity chooses to monetise this, should we really be sitting in judgement?

There is a great deal of disapproval from people who believe that a marriage should be a private affair – but we have to ask ourselves, is it? Marriages in India claim to be between two families, not two people, in the event everyone in both extended families seems to have their two bits to say about the proceedings.

This show seems to take it all a step – or several steps further. That’s just geography, as Julia Roberts memorably said in Pretty Woman.

Judgement much?

I don’t speak the language, but I do get the gist of this here tweet. There is judgement about the rather unseemly personal gossip that was bandied around about Motwani and her new husband.


There is some history there. There was a best friend and there was an extramarital affair according to the gossip mills. Perhaps there was, and if so a woman was wronged. In my limited understanding, if this involved consenting adults, I am no one to disapprove, even though the injured party may have all my sympathy.

Hotstar Specials – Hansika’s Love Shaadi Drama Hindi Teaser (Streaming Feb 10)

Motwani is predominantly a Tamil and Telugu movie star. As such the series will be available in English, Hindi and presumably in other languages.

Now some may question the characterisation of this story as one of ‘True Love’. Others may disapprove of the monetisation of something like a wedding and yet others will judge everyone involved based on the gossip.

Maybe let’s look at why we blame women more?

But let’s take a moment to assess this dispassionately and objectively.

This is a very successful woman (Forbes named her in a celebrity list). Her every move is examined, analysed, judged and pontificated upon. She couldn’t have a private wedding if she tried. If she decided to let it all hang out – and make some money in the process, why should anyone mind?

Me, I wouldn’t watch the series if I was dying of boredom, but that’s just me. However, if Hansika Motwani doesn’t mind the cameras, and if there’s an audience out there for Hansika’s Love Shaadi Drama, I would say it’s a sound business decision.

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About the Author

Reena Daruwalla

A former lawyer, now freelance writer, fauji wife, mother, singer, knitter and lover of my own cooking, I have altogether too many opinions and too few convictions. The more I learn the more I am read more...

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