3 Steps: How To Increase Your Self-Esteem In The Workplace!

Have you ever wondered how to increase your self-esteem in the workplace? We have 3 easy steps for you to follow!

Have you ever wondered how to increase your self-esteem in the workplace? We have 3 easy steps for you!

Don’t you wish to be treated with respect and worth in the workplace? Of course, we all secretly dream of it. However, it seems very easy to achieve, but more often than not, it takes people years to accomplish this in their workplace.

The reasons for the delay in achieving this feat may vary from person to person and also company to company. We miss how to read people and situations and make them turn in our favour. The workplace culture also plays a crucial role in getting the respect you deserve.

How to increase your self-esteem in the workplace?

Before diving deeper into how to earn self-worth and increase your self-esteem, it is important to understand workplace personalities and choose your ways accordingly. If you don’t understand the people you are dealing with, all your efforts will be futile!

Workplace personality types

There are 10 different workplace personality types, says Jennifer Herrity, career coach and author at Indeed.  Knowing each of these personality types can give you the upper hand in managing them better and help you know your self-worth and play along accordingly.

The personalities include:

  • The analyst – are those who like to work in an organized manner, following a designated structure. Any sudden disturbance in their structure can cause conflicts.
  • The climber – are those who wish to achieve greater things as quickly as possible – sometimes ethically, sometimes unethically.
  • The illusionist – are those who portray their contributions in work to me more than what they actually contribute.
  • The individualist – are those who prefer working individually and handling responsibilities their way, even if they are working in a team.
  • The motivator – are those who see themselves as high-energy personal pushing people to achieve more. Can sometimes be seen overstepping other people’s boundaries.
  • The people-pleaser – are those who put priority on how many people like them over the work they do
  • The perfectionist – are those who have an eye for detail and will always deliver their best work. However, always looking for perfection might sometimes delay submissions.
  • The performer – are those who wish to be the centre of attention in the workplace
  • The worrier – are those who are always worried about the work they are delivering and seek constant validation for their work
  • The upward worker – are those who have atypical behaviour toward those who are in higher posts than their subordinates or peers

Based on your understanding of your peers/subordinates or bosses, you get to choose how to tackle them and get them on your side to get the work done without tampering with your self-worth.

But how to increase your self-esteem?

First: Observe

Become a keen observer, and pay attention to every detail of how your subordinates are, who plays the good cop, and who plays the bad cop. Being aware of their personalities make you immune to any comments hurting your self-worth.

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As you will be well aware of how the person is and how is their personality. You will act wisely and not emotionally.

Second: Listen

Speak less and listen more. Listening to people gives you a wider perspective of the situation and how they see the situation or project to be. It gives you a better vision of where you can position yourself.

If you speak more and listen less, there are chances you miss out on other viewpoints, making you feel less valued or less worthy.

Third: Keep everyone aware

Keep everyone who outranks you in the conversation loop – either a mail or through chat. Make sure they are aware of any changes or additions to the project.

Having everyone on the same page as you make you feel confident about the work you have been doing.


These are a few ways I have tried to learn and understand throughout my work tenure. I hope this helps all those reading. If you have encountered any other ways, feel free to share them in the comments, and let’s help each other.

Image source: ZMaster, via Getty Images, free and edited on CanvaPro

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About the Author

Prachi Singh

The author is a content writer by profession, passionate about reading and writing, and trying to become the voice of problems/ biases women face in their workplace. Apart from that, she takes keen interest in read more...

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