Mixed Platter: A List of 5 Soul-Warming Books

Having spent a considerable amount of my time flipping through the pages of fiction books, I decided to sort out some of the ones that I liked the most.

Having spent a considerable amount of my time flipping through the pages of fiction books, I decided to sort out some of the ones that I liked the most.

Here’s a self-curated list of five of my favourite books belonging to no particular genre and in no particular order, but all have one thing in common, which is that they would all very likely make a worthwhile read.

In Dreams & Winter Rose by Nora Roberts

Nora is commendable at presenting characters in the exact nuanced and layered way that she wants to and certainly has a way with words. Imaginative, these stories compel one to think and become a part of the magical journey.

Thanks to her knack for storytelling, a theme so unimaginable is made so relatable. Before registering in the brain, her words and writing find a way to the heart.

Of the two magical stories, ‘Winter Rose’ was my favourite, and this book probably deserves the recognition of being the fastest book ever read for me. Finally, it’s a wonderful read for someone thinking of a way to escape into a magical world with super magical characters.

Every Day by David Levithan

This one’s been narrated in a pretty fast-paced but, nonetheless, beautiful way. Despite its storyline (as is perhaps suggested by the title), the book does not turn monotonous or boring. It manages to create curiosity and, surprisingly, makes the story seem quite believable.

All in all, for someone into fiction and fantasies, it is undoubtedly a book one can’t afford to miss.

P.S. I Love You by Cecelia Ahern

P.S. I Love You is not a usual love story; it rather is the story of what happens after Holly and Gerry loved (and parted). Holly loses her childhood sweetheart and soul mate to the tumour. Fate can play nasty games, and it does. But has Holly lost Gerry forever? Not really. Gerry has left her with a bunch of memories and some notes, each one guiding her to live her life happily.

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Discovering each note is like discovering a part of Gerry himself. Holly receives humongous support from family and friends, but things are just not the same after she loses that one person who meant the world to her and was her best support system.

Holly takes her time to come to terms with reality, overcoming obstacles, inner and otherwise. It is amusing how a book can be so heart-breaking and yet heartening at the same time.

Where Eagles Dare by Alistair MacLean

A blessed writer, Alistair’s narration is vivid, gripping and enthralling, and his understanding is complete. Not a conventional history lover, this book made me rethink, and not once did I feel like keeping the book down.

On the whole, Where Eagles Dare is a masterpiece recommended with utmost delight.

Recipe for Rebellion by Cathy Hopkins

This one is written with a lot of imagination, empathy and creative freedom in mind. Danu’s story of life, her loneliness, her fears and her anxiety are things that almost all would find relatable.

This book emphasizes that no matter how dark, fearful and out-of-control things may sound, there IS always a ray of hope which, in Danu’s case, happened to be her guardian who was indeed a saviour in disguise.

The characters, especially that of Danu’s aunt, have been sketched keeping every minute detail in mind. I feel obliged to add that the ending of the book is, by far, its most commendable asset.

Happy reading!

Image source: Unsplash

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