Finding Love In a World of Disappointments

Finding Love in a World of Disappointments.

We search for love, for someone true,
For a partner who’s emotionally available too.
We open our hearts, we take a chance,
But often it seems, we’re left with no romance.

We meet people, we share our lives,
But for some reason, they can’t seem to thrive.
Our hearts break, our spirits fall,
And we wonder if love is worth it at all.

But we must remember, in this search for love,
We’re not alone, we’re not the only ones.
There are others out there, searching just like us,
And together we’ll find love, we must trust.

So let’s keep our hearts open, even when it’s tough,
And remember that love is always enough.
We’ll find someone who loves us, just as we are,
And together we’ll shine, like a bright, shining star.

By- Joshita Bose


About the Author

joshita bose

I'm a Spoken English Educator and a Digital Content Writer. I'm a multifaceted individual with a passion for writing. With a keen eye for detail and a thirst for knowledge, I'm always read more...

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