From Son to Man : The Journey of a Single Son

From Son to Man: The Journey of a Single Son.


Being the only son in a family comes with its own set of responsibilities. You are expected to take care of your mother, sisters, and wife. You are the only pillar of support for them and have to work hard to provide them with everything they need. However, life can be tough for a single son, especially when he has to take on these responsibilities overnight.

There was a time when this young man was carefree and happy. He never thought about savings before or buying anything for himself. He was pampered by his father the most.

But since the time his father has gone, this little kid turned into a man overnight. He had to take on the responsibilities of his entire family. He had to work hard to provide them with everything they needed.


As a single son, it\’s difficult to take on the responsibilities of an entire family and also make sure that everyone is happy.

There are times when you miss having a father, brother, or someone to help you out with the responsibilities. It can be a daunting task, but it\’s something that you have to do.

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Do you ever feel like you\’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders? Do you ever feel like you\’re alone in this world and that nobody understands you? Do you ever feel like giving up? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you\’re not alone. Many single sons face these struggles every day.


It\’s important to remember that You are not on your own in this, and it\’s okay to ask for help when you need it. There are many single sons out there who are going through the same struggles as you. It\’s important to support each other and to be there for each other. You are strong, and you can get through this.


It can be overwhelming, but you have to remind yourself that you are not alone in this and you are doing this for your loved ones. They need you, and You will do everything in your power to provide for them.


In the words of Maya Angelou, \”I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.\” You are strong, and you can get through anything that life throws your way. Keep pushing forward and never give up. You are the only pillar of support for your family, and they need you. Keep working hard and never lose hope.


–         By Joshita Bose


About the Author

joshita bose

I'm a Spoken English Educator and a Digital Content Writer. I'm a multifaceted individual with a passion for writing. With a keen eye for detail and a thirst for knowledge, I'm always read more...

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