Love knows No Caste

Love knows No Caste.

Of love and life, a tale I’ll tell

Of two souls, who loved so well

Their hearts entwined, their love so pure

Their bond was so strong, it would endure

But fate had other plans in store

Their love, a sin, a crime, a flaw

For they belonged to different castes

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Their love, is a threat, to social class

Their families did not approve

Their love, a curse, they could not move

Their hearts were broken, their love in vain

Their future was bleak, no hope remained

Why does society judge and hate

When love is pure, and knows no caste?

Why do we let tradition decide?

When love is all that should suffice?

It’s time to break these chains that bind

And let love reign, and hearts entwine

For love is pure, and love is free

And love is all we need to be

So let us rise, and let us fight

For love, for life, for what is right

And let us break these walls of hate

And let love conquer, and love create.

                      – By Joshita Bose


About the Author

joshita bose

I'm a Spoken English Educator and a Digital Content Writer. I'm a multifaceted individual with a passion for writing. With a keen eye for detail and a thirst for knowledge, I'm always read more...

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