My star, be my muse

I am an introvert who found solace in movies and the world of words. I found my love in written words . Whenever I felt lonely and lost , a good read helped me by acting as an anchor in my world engulfed in darkness. Being a bookworm, and my chanced encounter with womensweb was a delightful experience . Whenever I am bored or scared , womensweb comes in handy.

One day I was browsing through the pages of womens web and I found this article by someone on pen paling . it was not an aha moment but it will be in the months to come. I have had my share of experience having pen friends and it was never a soul touching experience.  Most of the pen friends I had so far were short lived. This time, after her article, without wasting much time, I opened an account in global pen friends.

I struggled a lot to make this small talk and obviously the worst person you can choose if you want to have a conversation is me. Yet, I chose to try my luck though I didn’t have much hope.  I talked to some, obviously most of the contacts died soon before taking off. I was terribly bored of my adventure in global pen friends and decided to cut off the journey. and on that day or maybe a couple of days later, I got this message from this wonderful person I would get to know in forthcoming days.

She can literally talk about biryani forever. That’s what we talked about. I guess, nothing is better than talking about food. She is the kind of person who lets you know that she is interested in talking to you even though you struggled to form words. She is one of the best people I have encountered in this past year.  you name it, that she is. kind, non-judgemental, resilient, intelligent, compassionate, hardworking..yea, a sweetheart. She can articulate things well and she is one of those people who makes sense even while talking about something uneventful or silly. you can find your muse, your star, your hope anywhere and anytime. And she is mine.

A day back, I read this article of my pen friend in women’s web , and I was just curious and started reading her after the other…they stuck with me, because I know her or more so, because she is one of the brave person I have encountered. she was this innocent and vulnerable kid. always so hardworking and chasing her dreams, who has grown into an even more amazing young person. We get bogged down when a hurricane strikes but she braved through it. I am always and will be in awe of her.


here comes the twist, ha…she is the one who wrote about pen palling in womensweb and she is the person I was intending to thank if I get a chance.  Global pen friends helped me meet some amazing souls and definitely this time, idea of pen palling didn’t disappoint me. she is one of those people who made pen palling exciting and enthralling. I was wired and excited because I met her and because she wrote that article. It was such a surreal experience to know that she is the one who wrote it. She made me happiest yesterday, I felt like it happened something out of a book or a movie. Some call it a fate and some call it a coincidence and I call it a miracle. And she is a miracle.

Happy pen palling…. she made it happen for me and may be its time for you to explore the world of pen palling. for sure, it’s worth a shot.

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