When I Sent A Message To My First Love

Everyone deserves love and romance in their life but in the midst of life, we often forget the romance. Read this beautiful tale of relieving first love.

Everyone deserves love and romance in their life but in the midst of life’s struggles, we often forget the importance of little things. Read this beautiful tale of relieving first love.

“Where are we heading?” This thought had started hitting me hard. How could he forget our anniversary after 10 years of marriage? I took my coffee and went into the room to see him. He was absurdly lost in his world of work. Disappointed, I preferred to be by myself and started sipping from my cup, sitting in the front lawn.

Don’t know why but in those moments of solitude, I started missing him. My boyfriend!  He was 26 and I was 24. It was a long distance relationship initially. It was he, who introduced me to the world of emails and social media.

You just can’t get your first love out of your head. However hard you try, you just cannot throw it out of your system. There was a silent ache in my heart.

I decided to write to him again. As my husband left for his office, I picked up my phone and little hesitantly started typing.

‘Hi! It’s me…

It’s been long since we have connected to each other. In the whirlpool of responsibilities, somewhere we lost each other. Don’t remember how many moons went by. I have lost my rainbow somewhere. I miss those magical days.

My husband is not as loving as you were. I know it’s unfair to draw comparisons between you and him. But you always made me feel loved. Today I just can’t stop thinking about you.

I shall wait for you, with open arms because my heart only goes for you.  Please come back! Please!

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After sending it, I started contemplating his reactions, in my own imaginary world. I imagined him smiling while reading the letter and feeling love-struck. And then I waited for hours restlessly and relentlessly, stirred a bit by an unknown fear.

Suddenly a message popped up with his reply.

‘I love you too and I am coming … ‘

I saw the wall clock showing half past seven. Suddenly the doorbell rang. My heart almost sunk. With trembling hands, I opened the door. There he was! Love of my life.

He stood there with a big smile and a huge bunch of flowers. Wrapping his herculean arms around me, he whispered those words in my ears which I had longed for ages now.

“You are my first love too. Happy Anniversary wifey!”

I found my love back!

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About the Author

Meenakshii Tripathi

Teacher by profession, a proud mother, voracious reader an amateur writer who is here to share life experiences.... read more...

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