Healthy Tiffin Recipes For Kids

Now, you won't have to sweat wondering what to pack for your kids' tiffin. Here are some amazing healthy tiffin recipes which kids will love.


Now, you won’t have to sweat wondering what to pack for your kids’ tiffin. Here are some amazing healthy tiffin recipes which kids will love.

What to pack in the tiffin is a main concern for a mother of school going kids, and in my case it was double as my kids’ school timings are from 08:30 to 15:30 so all in all they had two breaks, breakfast time and lunch time. I had to be very very careful and creative at the same time give them a meal that is not only healthy and nutritious. It should also ensure empty lunch boxes and filled tummies.

I believe when it comes to kids they need complete nutrition and we can’t skip anything be it proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates etc. So, I try to give them all energy foods packed with love.

Presenting here small tiffin break ideas, full meals for long lunch breaks and sweet dish/ dessert to give that extra energy in school- Trying to pack health, nutrition, and mother’s warmth in tiffin boxes.

Veggie/ Beetroot Idli


  • Add finely chopped veggies of your choice and salt to taste to idli batter or you can give them a little boil so kids won’t be able to pick veggies and remove them. It gives good color to normal plain idli and can be had with sauce or chutney.
  •  Idli batter one can make of rice and urad dal, or you can make instant rava idlis using eno. These days batter is readily available in markets too.
  • It is surely a hit tiffin recipe as it is a riot of colors and health packed with a punch.

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Best way to feed your kids with proteins with loads of pulses in it.


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  • 1 glass rice
  • 1/2 glass chana daal
  • 3/4 glass urad dhuli daal
  • 3/4 glass green moong daal
  • 2 tbsp arhar/ tuar daal
  • curry leaves – 20 leaves approx
  • Green chillies – 2-4 pieces
  • Garlic – 10 cloves
  • ginger – approx 1 inch
  • jeera 2 tsp
  • pinch of asafeotida
  • Salt to taste

Soak all above daals for 4-5 hours and then grind to paste, a rough paste will also do as they are properly soaked so no worries.)

  • Mix all spices and shallow fry in appe patram available online as well as offline.
  • Its a nutritious snack  which can be even given to kids in tiffin box or  could be enjoyed on Sunday brunch.
  • Tastes good with Pudina OR coriander chutney.



Bread Pizza

This is a whole wheat bread topped with loads of vegetables which is shallow fried. It’s a halka fulka snack and yum option for tiffin box.



  • Whole wheat bread
  • 1 onion finely chopped
  • 1 tomato finely chopped
  • 1 capsicum finely chopped
  • Rava/ suji/ semolina 1 cupful
  • 4-5 spoons fresh cream/ malai
  • Red chilly powder ½ tsp
  • Jeera 1/2 tsp
  • Amchur pdr ½ tsp
  • Salt to taste
  • Mashed potato or grated paneer is optional. One can use cheese too.

bread pizza-ready to eat



Mix all things in a bowl to make a smooth paste which can be easily spread on each slice.

bread pizza-cut viggiesbread pizza - ingredients

bread pizza - ready to bake






Shallow fry on tava or pan upside down first. You can even bake it in microwave/ OTG on baking dish for say approximately 7-8 minutes. Pack in tiffins with a pouch of sauce.


Alu Paratha/ Paneer Paratha

Aloo- paratha is a popular paratha recipe. It is a spicy potato mixture with spices which are used for stuffing in the dough. It is a very easy and quick to make recipe. It is a good tiffin box snack, breakfast or any meal for that matter.

For stuffing:

  • Potatoes – 500 grams (5 -6) boiled and mashed
  • Chilly pdr 1tsp
  • Jeera pdr 1tsp
  • Pinch of turmeric powder
  • Amchur powder 1tsp
  • Anardana powder 1 tsp
  • Coriander fresh and salt as per taste.
  • Add finely grounded paste of 2 Green chilies,  ½ inch Ginger(it’s optional) alu paratha masala

For Outer layer:
Whole wheat flour – 2 cups
Oil – 2 tablespoons
Salt – to taste
Water –  ¾ cup or as required.

For parathas the dough should be soft so knead it nicely and keep aside.

For making Paratha

  • Take a small amount of dough ball, flatten and roll using the rolling pin using bit of flour for dusting, as we do while making rotis.DSC01627
  • Place potato stuffing inside the flattened and rolled dough and press the filling insides and pull the dough outwards, now join and bring together the empty dough pleats properly as otherwise there will be gaps while rolling and the filling comes out.
  • Press the edges with your fingertips properly ensuring there is no gap. Roll this ball in some flour and roll into a round flat bread/ paratha of the same size as of roti/ paratha.
  • Now place this flattened and rolled paratha on the hot tava, ensure tava is hot and not cold or just warm. Parathas need to be cooked on medium – high flame as low flame won’t cook them properly and they will turn hard.
  • Once you are sure it’s done from one side, flip the paratha so it gets cooked/ roasted from both sides. It time to roast it by brushing with ghee/ oil/ butter. Ensure applying ghee only when u start seeing brown spots. if ghee is applied on raw paratha it will harden.
  • Till both the sides are well cooked/ roasted properly we have to roast. It takes approx 1-2 minutes for a paratha to be cooked. In between keep on pressing paratha with a spatula or flat ladle.
  • Serve hot with butter, mango pickle/lemon pickle or some fresh curd.
  • It’s a full meal and a good option for tiffins/ lunch boxes.


Boiled Paavbhaji

Yes it’s a healthy oil free paav-bhaji where taste is intact but oil is less. As it’s boiled and not fried, this is the best way to feed kids all the veggies.


  • 2 Onions long sliced
  • 3 Tomatoes finely chopped
  • 10-15 Beans finely chopped
  • 6-8 Cauliflower florets 15-20
  • 2-3 Potatoes peeled and cut in large pieces
  • 1 Cupful Peas
  • Salt to taste
  • Paavbhaji masala
  • One can add any vegetable of their choice. Since all gets boiled you don’t have to worry.



  • Sauté onion in little oil only if you like fried flavor of onions else they can be also boiled along with other veggies.
  • Instead of frying all veggies simply boil them, or pressure cook them giving 3-4 whistles.
  • Later, add salt and paav bhaji masala or you can simply add coriander powder, a little chilly powder and amchur powder.
  • Once boiled we need to mash it properly to give even taste and let all water dry up.
  • Garnish with butter and coriander leaves.


Multigrain Ladoo

Laddoo is a sweet, round, ball shaped sweet dish. This Atta ladoo which I call nutritious multi grain laddoo is favorite in my house and loved by kids!



  • 3 cup wheat flour which is used for making rotis.
  • 2 cup multigrain atta (you can make it purely with only mutligrain atta depending upon your taste)
  • 1/2 kg or more desi ghee
  • 1/2 cup crushed almonds/ badam
  • 1/2 cup crushed cashews/ kaju
  • 1/2 cup crushed walnuts/ akhrot
  • 1/2 cup crushed dry dates, sometimes kharik powder is also available so one can use that too.
  • 1 tsp cardamom/ elaichi powder
  • 1 tsp nutmeg/ jaifal powder
  • I also add badam pak from patanjali
  • 3-4 cups powdered sugar approximately the same quantity as the atta

This makes around 50 laddoos so one can reduce or increase as per requirement.


  • Roast atta with approx half of the ghee(1-1.5 cups) on medium heat about 15 minute or else you can microwave it on 60% power for 10 minutes but with breaks of 5 minutes. It will turn light brown in color.
  • Keep it aside and let the atta cool and in the mean time in a small wok fry crushed almonds, cashews, walnuts all separately in shifts as all have different heating temperatures.
  • Now once dry-fruits are cooled grind them in mixer pot.

NOTE – I grind all dry-fruits as a few people or kids don’t like pieces of nuts while eating. But, if you like them then let them be coarsely grounded only and sans the grinding.


  • Now Add atta mixture and sugar, dry-fruits and remaining ghee along with cardamom, nutmeg, date powder on a big clean sheet or big plate/ bowl wherein you can mix all the things properly.
  • One can also move the added ingredients just once in mixer pot as this way everything gets mixed up well and becomes uniform.


  • Take a little amount, say approximately a palmful and press the mixture in order to make round shaped balls. I ensure to put 1-2 kishmish in between each ladoo and shape them in a ball, this ensures there is a kishmish in each laddoo.
  • Let ladoos cool to room temperature before transferring and storing in an airtight container. The ladoos stay fresh and fine for 2 to 3 weeks without any damage.


Chocolate Muffins

Chocolate and that too in muffins is like icing on the cake, strawberry on top of ice-cream. Yes kids simply love chocolates, cakes, cookies, muffins.


  • 1 cup Wheat Flour
  • 2 table spoon Cocoa powder
  • 1 ½ tsp Baking powder
  • ½ tsp Baking soda
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ cup Butter or ⅓ cup vegetable oil
  • ½ cup (or as needed) Milk
  • 2 tea spoon Vanilla extract
  • 3 Eggs
  • ¾ cup + ¼ cup dark semi-sweet chocolate chips


  1. Preheat oven at 180 degree on convection mode. Grease small muffin moulds (aluminium, glass or oven safe) with butter or you can also take a standard-size muffin pan.2015-09-25-351

  2. Mix all dry items, that is, wheat flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda together in a bowl.

  3. In another bowl, mix the oil, milk, and vanilla extract, Add Cream butter and sugar together. Add egg and mix it well.

  4. Add the dry flour mixture to the wet ingredient bowl and combine with a spatula or use whisker as it gives good lump free batter. whisk until everything is incorporated and no dry flour can be seen. Do not beat or over-mix as it dries up the cake/ muffin.

  5. If required, add milk and mix well. Put this mixture in muffin molds. I prefer putting a small piece of chocolate in between the muffin to enhance taste.

6 Now place moulds into preheated oven and bake for 25 to 30 minutes. Cool “Chocolate Muffins” and serve topped with silver balls etc.









Eat healthy, stay fit and happy!


Header Image Souce: Pexels

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Tatva Girl

Nature Lover Sustainable enthusiast Host of Green Tatva Talks Sun-Sea-Sand-Sky watcher #Foodie #Bibliophile #Astrophile #Earthy #Dreamer #tyro photographer . Dreams of her book launch in her cafe in the hills. read more...

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