The Little Moments Of Joy

The author vividly describes a beautiful morning and wonders how time flies and how little moments bring immense joy.

The author vividly describes a beautiful morning and wonders how time flies and how little moments bring immense joy.

As my slumberous eyes open to the bright yellow rays of the desert sun permeating into the room, glazing through the tall, sun-kissed windows, I stretch leisurely and smile. No chirping of birds here, unlike India and yet an encompassing quietness, lending a unique serenity to the surroundings, indeed makes it a divine morning. Yawning lethargically, I decide to have some more of that luxurious catnap, before I must wake up.

Sometime later, getting up, I walk towards the window to watch the rising sun, one of my favourite early morning activities.That burgeoning orange ball with hues of yellow, orange, red and purple, proliferated across the skyline here, is forever a rare sight to behold. At times I cannot fathom what is it about this place, that fills me up with so much tranquillity. Whether it’s the desert milieu or the aura of this land or is it as the mundane encounters of our home country not very commonplace here? Whatever it is, it’s blissful I concede. Instead of getting judgemental, lets appreciate the moments we get to sneak out of life, for each place is unique, with its own ways of living. Isn’t it better to enjoy the best of both worlds?

Back in the home-city, it rather feels nice to see and have those small early morning interactions with the neighbours, as we open the door to the milk-man but here it’s different. Doors remain mostly closed. Everyone remains busy with their own things and prefer to keep to themselves. Not that they are averse to interactions but sometimes one has to seek them out and you will certainly be welcomed. Doesn’t matter, I admit. Probably this privacy is what I need most, at this stage.

I proceed to make my tea and wake the husband up, else he might get late for office. In the process, I look at my kid, snoozing blissfully unaware. I get nostalgic and can’t help wistfully thinking of the ages gone by, ever since I have been there. Times have rolled. Life had turned a full circle, for my daughter is here, where I stood once upon a time and now, I am posited there, where my parents were once. A small ball of regret curls up within. As life progresses, doesn’t it gradually rob you of the hours you could have had to yourself, as well as your zest for the simple delights? I wish I could turn back the wheel to be that carefree young girl once again. Probably one of the reasons, why I’ve always loved my work breaks.

The times I’ve wantonly spent with my little one have been totally priceless for both of us. I alone know what I gained in the process (or in other words, did not miss), for her childhood is never going to come back. I’m glad I have been around her for a larger part thereof and witnessed her growth from an infant to a school goer, for even before I know it, this little fledgling is going to fly away. With motherhood comes a new set of responsibilities. I completely deserved a breather too for my own benefit. Sometimes, even with all your professional credentials, it doesn’t hurt to stay out of the race and let them carry on, for you can eventually re-join the force. You win some, you lose some, but everything depends upon what your priorities are.

I smile at my child and leaning down, place a light kiss on her cheeks, careful not to disturb her. Let her enjoy her mid-term break, I decide, for it’s her turn now to pack her share of precious nothings out of the moments never to return. I then proceed to begin my daily morning tasks.

Image Source: Pexels

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Affinity and Moods

A Chartered Accountant by blogging enthusiast...the philosophical, perceptive thinker in me at times impels me to come up with thought-provoking write-ups that are usually inspired from human behaviours read more...

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