Empowering Women With ‘Jholas Of Love’

The women of Tonk district in Rajasthan, with the help of an NGO Mimansa, are setting up a great example by making beautiful jholas, following the zero waste policy and becoming self-reliant.

The women of Tonk district in Rajasthan, with the help of an NGO Mimansa, are setting up a great example by making beautiful jholas, following the zero waste policy and becoming self-reliant.

Tonk, a small town in Rajasthan, has recently witnessed women empowerment through zero waste projects under ‘Upcycled Revolution’ of Meemansa. ipartner, in collaboration with Meemansa has set up the sustainable model of livelihood generation starting with stitching “jholas” and has promised to bring more and more avenues to earn.The challenges were many, but as it starts rolling, excitement gets bigger.

Rajasthan is the land of Maharajas, rich culture and luxuries. In Rajasthan, there is a small town named Tonk, 95 kms away from Jaipur. This is the story of Tonk and its women.

Tonk is not a name unheard of. Since the 19th century, it has always been a true-blue centre for culture and art. Ruled by a series of highly adventurous and influential Nawabs and Pathans, the city was built to be independent of any differences. Tonk’s people were affluent in thoughts and deeds. But, as civilization got deep-rooted, the tradition stayed and privileges got lost.

Today, people in Tonk fail to maintain a stable livelihood and are struggling to make ends meet. In such a situation, Meemansa magnificently ignited one such revolution in the provincial district—an ‘upcycled revolution’. Meemansa is spearheaded to empower the underprivileged women of Tonk by giving them an opportunity to stand on their own feet and achieve economic independence.

Meemansa is touching a lot of lives through the project ‘Apno Rakshan Kendra’, which is running in collaboration with iPartner and Cecoedecon. iPartner, an Indian NGO is known for its efforts in uplifting lives across the country. ‘Apno Rakshan Kendra’ is a sister project of Rakshan. It was formed to create a safe space for vulnerable children and women who are at risk of being trafficked. The fruitful collaboration is a stepping stone for Meemansa’s dream to establish zero-waste and women empowerment. Meemansa is making sure that all the required facilities reach the women working at Tonk.

To ensure smooth flow of the project work, Meemansa has promised to take care of the machines and other provisions to conduct a rigid production module. Meemansa equips the women, from underprivileged families, to stitch and tailor quality cloth bags. The module works on a buy-back model, and hence, a trainee woman can commence earning immediately as per piece rate. What more can put a smile on her face than having remunerated for her hard work at the end of every single day? She not only takes her money back home, but also her earns dignity and respect.

Young, old, married, unmarried, mother, daughter–every single woman is standing united to fight poverty and bring a change in the lives of their families by associating with Meemansa. The enthusiasm and passion of the women of Tonk has given greater confidence to Team Meemansa to continue the creating a sustainable livelihood, despite all the odds.

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Meemansa is unbent on its zero-Waste policy. Through the initiative, it has got a voice to stand for and prove the rest of the world that zero-waste, profit, and uplifting lives can go hand-in-hand. On September, the true triumph of hopes and efforts basked with the inauguration of two more centres by Shri Kanhaiya Lal Choudhary, MLA, Malpura along with the Sarpanch and Pradhan. The projects will be soon functional and dynamically help to bring out the talent and confidence of women, allowing them to build a support system of their own in the family.

Next time, when you visit Rajasthan, do explore the smartly woven ‘jholas of love’ from Meemansa. You would see our talented, brave, and enthusiastic women welcoming you saying “Tharo Swagaat Che”! (You are most welcome!) with a pleasant smile.

Image Source: Swati Yadav

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