Back to School

Summer vacations are over and it is back to business for all the kids. After enjoying the summer holidays and the lazy afternoons, kids get ready to start their next academic year. It was lovely to see the kids in my apartment complex in their shiny new uniforms and bags and lunch boxes – some of them were happy to meet up with their school friends and some wore a disappointed look and the dread of going through this for yet another year.

My kid, N, all of 2.5 years, started school today. I had been dreading this day ever since we took admission two months ago. I was imagining him to cry and cling on to me, refusing to go to school all the time. I was concerned the bad experience of the first few days might leave a bad impression on him and he might not go to school willingly ever. Thank God, the first day went smooth for us. N was excited to see the big, yellow bus (which he reconginizes from his picture book) and was more than eager to hop onto it. He saw the older kids and he was immediately comfortable. (What is it with kids prefering older aged kids over peers, but that’s a different topic altogether.)

Don’t they say separation anxiety is more for the mother than the kid? I sit here and pour my feelings out while my son is at the school, hopefully playing and enjoying himself. I can’t wait till the next two hours pass, when I pick him up and ask him how his day was. Something tells him he will smile and wave at me when he sees me at the bus stop and he will say ‘School was great, mom’.

Anamika is a working mother who is constantly trying to conquer the mythical work-life balance. She knits and reads when she manages to find some spare time. She blogs about her experiences with motherhood on her blog, A Slice of Life.


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