Child Rape : Why Are We Quiet?

Effective solutions for the problem of child abuse need to be properly thought through because the affected children are not getting justice as quickly as it is expected.

She is an 11-year-old studying in class 6th but is the innocence of her childhood her enemy? What’s her fault if her tuition teacher sexually abused her?

One day, the accused tuition teacher, who was a colleague of the girl’s father, affectionately called her to his home in exchange for some chocolates. He raped her. What could be the situation of the little girl who doesn’t even have a clear understanding of what was happening?

He blackmailed her and repeatedly tried to rape her, subjecting the girl to a traumatic experience. The incident came as a big shock and the matter subsequently reached the police and the Court.

We know that child sexual abuse is largely a hidden crime. In this case, it came late to light as both the parents of the girl are working and because she isn’t very friendly with her mother. The sexual assault began on an unknown date, but the accused raped her on October 30, 2016. After this, she also faced sexual exploitation many times by the same person. The FIR was lodged on January 8, 2017, in Naupada district, Odisha. Now the trial has started and their problems seem to have increased. They are repeatedly being called to the Court to record her statement. The date is being deferred and the innocent child is suffering.

There are also certain provisions under POCSO which are being violated here:

  1. Recording of the statement of the child at the residence of the child or at the place of her choice; preferably by a woman police officer not below the rank of a sub-inspector should be present.

  2. The child should not be called repeatedly to testify.

  3. In-camera trial.

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  4. The Special Court has to complete the trial within a period of one year as far as possible.

What’s important is to ensure the child’s healthy social development. Right now, she is going through a lot. Her physical pain may heal, but the mental torture she’s been through will be very difficult for her to get over. It is our social responsibility to think about the situation with more gravity. Effective solutions for the problem of child abuse need to be properly thought through because the affected children are not getting justice as quickly as it is expected. If we’re not able to find a proper solution, then these perverted criminals would continue to exist in society without any fear.

Rather than running after materialistic things, parents need to spend more time with their children and talk to them about these issues because if these things are not talked about, the children will continue to suffer.


Image via Pixabay


About the Author

Pallishree Pattanayak

Asst professor by profession .I protest against each injustice. Strong supporter of female education and freedom.I believe a strong mind and a brave heart can achieve any dream.Left Engineering after marriage and started read more...

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