Find Yourself Binge Eating? Here Are 4 Ways To Deal With Cravings

Binge eating due to a craving is very familiar to all of us, especially when stressed. Not something we're actually happy doing. So how can we deal with cravings?


Binge eating due to a craving is very familiar to all of us, especially when stressed. Not something we’re actually happy doing. So how to deal with cravings?

Cravings- A deep yearning to have something.

Don’t you have that yearning too? Just imagine – you skip your normal timing of lunch. And now you have started imagining that delicious cheese filled burger, or your favourite garlic schezwan sauce dip with cornballs, or do not forget those chocolates. It is significant, right, that we get these yearnings usually when we skip a meal, but it is not the same when we have had our food.

By the way did I take you back to those good memories of having that calories-filled food?

Let us come out of it and know why we actually get cravings.

  • You might be pregnant.
  • When we have an empty stomach, or a dehydrated body.
  • The next and very important causes of uncontrolled craving is emotional.

*If you think you might be pregnant, contact your doctor.

Craving has a very strong connection with our emotions. Whenever someone feels any void mentally or is stressed, theyl feel those effects in the body, and body starts craving for the taste which they desire. Eating in that state itself is pretty harmful, because we are not eating to gain the nutrition of food, but we are eating to fulfill the state of our being.

Here are 4 ways to deal with your cravings.

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Find the mental void

Craving can be due to emotional dependency, so we need to work on our mental health status. Whenever we go through any type of emotional trauma our body undergoes a certain amount of stress, and then it tries to compensate with food having a particular kind of taste. Some people will indulge in sweet and spicy, or some pick up that tub of ice cream.

The real issue here is to fill in the emotional void; eating all that is not going to do anything good to the body. You need to identify the mental cause, and work on it.

Water always helps

A dehydrated body will crave for sweets. In dehydration, your body goes into a state of hypoglycemia which means your sugar level drops. Drinking water at regular intervals will help to keep your body hydrated, and a craving would be the last thing on your mind.

Have small meals

Now that we have talked about our water intake the same applies to our food. A large quantity of food at a time can be a strain to our body, which goes into a continuous process of metabolism. Having a small meal will make our body absorb more nutrients at a time, rather than filling your stomach too much, making digestion complicated.

Raw food binging

Raw food binging is something like tricking your mind when you are craving. How? You have to go to a party and you are sure you are going to get exposed to a lot of junk. So here is a solution! Before your meal, binge on some raw vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers or have juices, so that now you will automatically have less space to munch on junk.

These 4 ways will surely help you to cut down your cravings. Whenever you are trying to lose weight make sure it becomes a fun and activity filled with self love. Not something you regret doing and start hating your body.

It is all about training your mind to love oneself.

A version of this was first published here.

Image source: shutterstock

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About the Author

Dr. Khushbu Suthar

An avid explorer of food and nutrition. My favorite colors are the beautiful shade of ripe vegetables and fruits. Amalgamating mind, body and soul through food. Mesmerized by fitness and channeling my energy by understanding read more...

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