An Ode To All The Moms #HappyMother’sDay

Happy mothers day;

To the mom who smiled looking at the baby after being in labor for endless hours.

To the mom who sheds happy tears when her baby latches to her breast after coming back from work.

To the  mom who cries like a baby when she has to say goodbye to her child on the first day of school.

To the mom who is tired and ready to drop but can’t stop crying looking at her sleeping baby.

To the mom who can find many  reasons to be unreasonable when it comes to defending her child.

To the mom who becomes a fierce tigress to save her child from dangers.

To the mom who starts believing every superstition after becoming a mother.

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To the mom who saves the last bite for her child.

To the mom who calls herself mother of the most prettiest child.

To the mom who  is elated that her girl is grown enough to fit into her clothes.

To the mom who looks at every girl who talks to her boy with suspicion.

To the mom who becomes a team mate, partner, learns every game and sport for her child

To the mom who looks at the empty cupboards after the child leaves and cries.

To the mom who cries every time her  married daughter visits her.

To the mom who cries because her son holds her hand to take care of her while in a crowd.

To the mom who makes every effort to welcome her sons wife.

To the mom who enjoys motherhood all over again when she becomes a grandmother.

Lastly, To all the single dads who become mothers to their kids.

Today is the celebration of the essence of sharing, caring and loving, The Mother.

Image via Pixabay


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