This Anniversary, Take an Extra Step Towards Ensuring Your Wife’s Safety

Are your loved ones safe on the road? Equip your car with the best security devices to ensure they feel protected even when you are not around.

Women safety is the number one issue in India, especially in the capital. According to National Crime Records Bureau, in India, up to 39 crimes against women were being reported every hour in 2016. The numbers have risen ever since. This shocking number would naturally scare anyone. Everyone wants their sister, daughter, wife and mother to live with no fear looming over their head.

Even if they have a chauffeur, they feel unsafe and can’t help imagining the worst happening to them. Due to circumstances like these, a top-notch car security system becomes essential to be installed in the car. Here are a few issues that women face while driving or being driven around.

Problems Women Face on the Road

Feeling Unsafe Even with Chauffeurs 

Women who prefer being driven around by a chauffeur, often don’t feel safe in their own cars. Sometimes, even coming home alone late at night in the car can get scary. You never know when the chauffeur takes a wrong turn on purpose and their safety is in jeopardy. It is important to hire a chauffeur who you trust and believe in.

Driving Late at Night

In the past there have been various cases where women have been harassed or followed while driving late at night. We all remember the infamous Chandigarh Case, where a girl was followed by men in their car and had to drive all around the town to save herself from being cornered. This is not one case, many cases like these go unreported all over the country. It is important that women always stay vigilant and aware of their surroundings while driving.

Car Breaking Down

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Imagine this, you are out of town and your wife is coming back home late at night from an off-site visit, and her car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Here’s the worst part, her phone battery is drained, making it impossible for her to reach you or anybody else for help. Isn’t this one of your worst fears coming true? Hence, a car security device that constantly monitors the activities inside and outside of the car, and provides real-time location is necessary.

Fear of Road Rage 

As compared to men, women are safer drivers, they exercise more caution, wear seat belts and don’t drive under the influence. They are less prone to having road rage issues in them, but this doesn’t prevent them from being a victim of one. Most men can’t stand being over taken by women which leads them to drive poorly and puts everyone in direct danger.

Here’s What You Can Do!

We all know that these problems have persisted since long and will take time to be completely eradicated from the society. In such circumstances, you would always want your lady love and all the other loved ones to be safe and secure. So, this anniversary, take an extra step to ensure the safety and security of your better half.

It becomes important to equip your car with the best car security system such as KENT CamEye. Investing in such a device ensures that your wife is safe when she’s driving or is being driven around at any time during the day. It has features like livestream GPS tracking, engine ideal alert, two-way audio and so much more. With KENT CamEye you can always ensure your better half to be safe as it has a battery backup of up to 24 hours, easy to use app and easy installation. You can book a free demo or order it to your doorsteps from Amazon and stay assured of your wife’s safety.

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About the Author

Ruchi Verma

Ruchi Verma Rajan is a woman on a mission of self-discovery. An avid reader since childhood, she grew up in the idyllic world of Enid Blyton and went on to devour the age old read more...

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