How Should You Take Care Of Your New Born Baby?

While you as a mother live this experience, here are some important and simple tips given which can help you in this way:

It’s a beautiful feeling for all women to become a mother. A girl is the greatest gift of God, because she is the person who can bear the labour pain and give birth to a new life. Motherhood is a journey which is full of new experiences and exciting things. And while you as a mother live this experience, here are some important and simple tips given which can help you in this way:

How to hold a newborn baby

You are feeling nervous while holding your newborn baby as he/she is fragile and delicate, but you don’t need to afraid while touching, handling or holding your newborn baby. Some experts say that when you hold your newborn baby more than 2 hours in a day, they develop better and their crying chances will be less. This is valuable advice for your baby care so always follow this. Always remember one thing that neck muscles of your newborn baby are not yet developed, so it is necessary to support his/her head whenever you hold him/her.

Bathing a newborn

Bathing is one of the daily routines of your newborn baby. As a new mother, it will be a great challenge for you. Always take lukewarm water for bathing your newborn baby. Don’t apply much soap, as your baby’s skin is delicate. You can give a bath to your baby according to the weather. For cold weather you can give a sponge bath and for hot weather, tub bath is sufficient for him/her. Always remember to check the temperature of the water before you bathe your body.

Always give massage to your baby as it will soothe their body and he/she will feel relaxed. Some child experts believe that massage before the bath is more beneficial for the newborn baby.


There are many child specialists who believe that breast milk is the best option for babies feeding until six months. After six months, you can start formula milk, there are many brands available in the market. Before choosing formula milk, always consult your paediatrician first.

Sleeping tips

Sleeping pattern of a newborn baby is very hectic situation for new mothers. The periods of sleep of a newborn baby is a major part of the 24 hours, as they wake up very often in the day time as well as in the night also. New mothers can develop a routine of bedtime for your newborn baby in the early days. As soon as you develop this habit in your baby, you will feel more relaxed.

So if you will follow these baby care tips, you will be amazed how easily you can handle your newborn baby.


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Shailja is a writer,blogger & a content curator by profession. A editor in collaboration with India Imagine. In her Free time she loves to chat with her friends and learn new things. She thinks that read more...

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