It Takes Two To Succeed | Breakthrough India

Women often face gender-based discrimination as well as violence in all sphere of life which act as barriers to be a part or to continue with their jobs.

‘Har problem ka solution hain yaar’, well the line stands ground only if there is a will to resolve any problem. Women are dropping out of the workforce drastically. India’s Female Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR) has seen a historic low of 23.3% between 2017-18. As per reports, three out of four women over the age of 15 in India are neither working nor seeking work. As per NSSO PLFS survey,  the state of female labour/workforce participation (FLWP) has worsened, and only 17.5 percent of women are part of the labour force, compared to 55.5 percent of men.

The Government, however has been taking efforts to increase women’s formal workforce participation by scholarships, quotas, promoting self-employment and even emphasising on skill-based train yet social norms hinders in successful implementation of these schemes. As per the most recent PLFS, 51.5 percent of women who received vocational/technical training are out of the labour force, and 10 percent are unemployed. In fact 54.8 percent of employed women are part of the informal sector, limiting their access to decent work.

Women often face gender-based discrimination as well as violence in all sphere of life which act as barriers to be a part or to continue with their jobs.

This could constitute of:

  • Sexual harassment at workplaces,
  • Employer’s preference for hiring men
  • Sexual harassment during commute and at workplaces and weak response mechanisms
  • Domestic violence as well as double burden in the family
  • Stigma they face in community as working women
  • Limited digital access.
  • Larger perception of gender specific roles in the patriarchal society.

Breakthrough India, an organisation working on norms to end violence against women and girls is trying to bridge the gender gap through its ‘Streelink’ campaign. The program focussed at working with women in the garment sector looks at connecting them through each other’s experiences. They find solutions and tackle issues together. Here’s one small example of how a partner’s support can bring a change in a woman’s life.



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