Chhichhore : A Must Watch Movie

The movie enumerates the facts of life and roles played make it so realistic to be believed.

The storyline of the movie caught me to the core of my heart. This is the first time I am into the review of a movie. What’s so enthralling about that? I suggest it should not be a miss to the responsible parent of a new generation.

The story evokes a sensitive issue of the society, the unhealthy competition among the parents to pull their children to their expectations and forcing them to materialize their dreams.

Though there is no direct involvement of the parents to instigate the so-called unfulfilled dreams of theirs, the strategic theory of emotional bargaining plays a pivotal role in upbringing, consequently araising the feelings achievement.

The throbbing desire to be good and prove himself being an ideal child instils dire consequences of failure which leads him to take an unwanted plunge.

What made him do so?

We equip our children with all the tools of success and the success stories but don’t teach them handling failure. Life is not a rosy path always, you find thorns in between.

The movie enumerates the facts of life and roles played make it so realistic to be believed.

Why are we afraid of failure? Is our body seasoned only to handle success? Though we know that failure is a part of success.

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There is a comparison of past and present generation, which draws a thin line of similarity but not ready to accept the truth.

Youth is phase to be lived with all the pressures but still have to come out with flying colours. Constantly navigating your child would make him an indecisive person.

The narration of the story by the characters revolves around the efforts and tag of losers which they lived with. And the fine opportunity how they turned it to be a winner.

End of the film does a realistic approach,  you are not fed with an overwhelming success story but the payoff for the countless efforts you have put to be a winner.

A must watch movie.

The movie enumerates the facts of life and roles played make it so realistic to be believed. Why are we afraid of failure?

Image is a still from the movie Chhichhore


About the Author

Geeta Upase

I write for the lilt of love and life. read more...

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