My Dad…My First Love

If I know what Love is, it’s because of Him, he is not the only guy in the universe, but he's the only one that matters the most to me.

It all started with a very confusing day, a moment ago I was floating in my dreams, and suddenly felt a painful jolt. A few minutes later the pain in my body increased, I thought this was the end of my life. When the pain reached its peak, I lost all hope and was about to give up my life, but suddenly someone’s hand gripped my head and that person made an effort to pull me. Though the pain continued but moving out of the pit appeared to be the only option for my survival. So wasting no time, with all my strength I pushed myself down. The commotion continued but neither I nor that person lost faith, we both tried and finally, I was pulled out of my misery.

At first, I was clueless about my whereabouts as everything was hazy. My brain was active, so it started to gather details of the images around me to give me a clear picture of the surrounding. After a few hours finally, my eyes got back its sight and I saw a huge figure approaching towards me. Well, this was not what I had expected to see, but I was ready to fight whoever it may be. My body was equipped to raise terror alarm in case of an emergency, so wasting no time, my internal reflex signalled the appropriate nerve and I started to cry; well at that point of time this was the maximum that I could manage

As the figure came closer, it became quite evident that my alarm was a big failure. Cursing my failure, I watched the figure as he lifted me up. Well to be true, it felt good initially, soft and warm, but just to be on a safer side I did not switch off my natural alarm. After reaching close enough, I saw him for the first time, eyes sparkling with love and care, there were soft lines and curves all over his face and corner of his lips were trying to reach up to his eyes. I was mesmerized by his looks and wondered how a person can carry so much love in his eyes. I felt as if the strings of my heart were attached to him. My alarm automatically turned off and I got lost in his love. Then, he pressed his lips against my forehead. Though I was just born, but I could tell back then that it was the best kiss one could ever have.

Finally, he came closer and whispered in my ear “I will never let you cry again, my sweetheart, my love, my baby”.

True as a man, after two decades my father has still kept his promise, good or bad he always stood by my side, be it my monstrous dream of tigers eating me or live dogs chasing the hell out of me, he protected me from all. All these years, not for a moment did I felt alone, he pushed me to do all the challenging things, but he was always there like an invisible protective mask. One drop of tear from my eye and he would shake everybody up who is responsible. I have left no stone unturned to utilize this lifetime valid promise and blackmail my mother and elder brother.

I never saw him care about his dreams, I was his only priority. I used to see his friends making fun of him when he made excuses to not go to any fancy restaurants, vacations or any places that shelled out the money. Merely a child back then, I always thought that my dad was the world’s greatest miser; little did I knew my Barbie set, new colourful frocks, colour books, soft bed, matching sheets, light-emitting shoes and much more came with a cost, which he paid. As a child, I always used to wonder as to why my father wore only 2 pairs of shirt. He never purchased anything from a branded store, the reason he gave me back then that those are shops owned by bad people. Little did I know back then that he was sacrificing his dreams, luxury and comfort to raise me up like a Princess!

Time flew by at a tides space and we completed one generation. I am an adult now and he is old. Soon after a year, I will get married and my permanent address would change forever. I am not quite sure what my marriage life holds for me, but I am absolutely sure of one thing that long back a man had made a promise to a little girl and he kept it, this is what matters to me. If I know what Love is, it’s because of Him, he is not the only guy in the universe, but he’s the only one that matters the most to me.

Image is a still from the Tanishq advertisment

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About the Author

Amrita Kolay

A passionate writer, who loves to pen down her thoughts/stories and enjoys as the rhythm of her words dance in sync with the readers. read more...

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