7 Easy Pasta Recipes For All Those Of You Who Live Alone And Love Pasta

Pasta is one of the easiest things to cook- making it a favourite with people who live alone. For everyone who loves it, here are seven easy pasta recipes for your inner MasterChef!

Pasta is one of the easiest things to cook- making it a favourite with people who live alone. For everyone who loves it, here are seven easy pasta recipes for your inner MasterChef!

You live alone, you’re hungry and it is 2 a.m. Nightmarish? Of course! There’s no Zomato or Swiggy to curb your hunger now and probably you don’t want to have the leftovers of your dinner.

Or maybe, you’ve just finished watching Julie & Julia and now your hands are itching to cook something nice. Well, I am not providing any recipe for the beef bourguignon. But there are some easy pasta recipes if you live alone that you can fix with minimal ingredients!

Mayo Pasta

Mayo in sandwiches, burgers and now in pasta. Who doesn’t love mayonnaise? The rich, creamy goodness filling your mouth and making everything seem a little better. I believe mayonnaise can revive anything and everything.

So imagine what pasta would taste like with a dollop of mayo and a few bits of peas, carrots and sweet corn! Click here to check out this easy pasta recipe to make your culinary experiences more heavenly.

Masala Pasta

Let us tweak our pasta with the fusion of Indian spices! With some carrots, peas, onion, cabbage and a little masala, you can make a nice hot bowl of masala pasta to drive away those hunger pangs.

Click here for this Indian wholesomeness. If you want, add eggs or chicken shreds to it. You will find that in this easy pasta recipe.

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Red sauce pasta

You want to have a taste of Rome but you’re too broke to go there. Well, you can always cook yourself some pasta! Get some tomatoes and that is essentially all you need for a red sauce pasta, or Pasta Arrabbiata (it sounds so divine).

Loaded with tomatoes, the tangy sauce is the key to this recipe. Click here to try this easy pasta recipe. Who knows, you might end up inviting your friends, impressing them with your cooking expertise!

Buon appetito!

Cheesy tomato pasta

Yes, mayo is good, but isn’t cheese better? Put cheese and practically everything, make it cheesy- the cheesier the better! That is probably why we say “cheese” when we click photos. It seems to make everyone happy.

So, let’s have some pasta with cheese. There is also a note that is in the recipe, to prepare the sauce side by side. It will make your work a lot easier and it does not imply only to this recipe, but to every pasta with a sauce. Click here to get this easy, cheesy, tangy pasta recipe.

Chicken masala pasta

Chicken is one of the most versatile ingredients you can add in your food. Sautéed, fried, roasted, boiled or shredded, chicken is delicious in every way.

For your chicken cravings, Sharmis Passions brings you an easy recipe with pasta and chicken in one plate! Click here for this easy pasta recipe.

South Indian style pasta

If you are away from home (which is probably somewhere in South India) and you’re feeling homesick, this easy pasta recipe might help you relieve childhood memories.

Did you know, food is one of the strongest sources of nostalgia? Well, even if you’re not from South India, you can always make a fusion and who knows what beauty you’ll end up with.

This recipe mixes fundamental South Indian cuisine ingredients with the all time favourite pasta. Click here to try easy pasta recipe for yourself.

Paneer pasta

Matar paneer, butter paneer masala, palak paneer, and the list goes on. Mouthwatering, huh? But have you ever tried paneer pasta?

Spicy Treats is here with an easy pasta recipe for paneer pasta with a few vegetables and of course, paneer.

Click here to have scrumptious delight with every bite!

Now that you have all seven easy pasta recipes, why don’t you try some and let us know which was your favourite in the comments!

Picture credits: Pexels

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An English literature student with a love for reading and writing, and who chills tucked under a cozy blanket, with a cup of chai, and a big, fat book on her lap. read more...

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