My Relationship!

The days they speak it’s only arguing and proving whose right with justification and trying to make the other understand that I am right.

A striking pain in the heart a deep sound you want to cry tears flowing out making the eyes moist and the cheeks all red a deep sad feeling no words to express when you look into your bag full of memories of last night. A night which bought along with it the loud thundering storm the lightning which stuck the sky making it bright before it became completely dark. The dark grey clouds covering the sky making it even more darker than before and in all this the thunder storm and shower of rain the electricity the only form of illumination in the room goes and the young lady sits with her head ducked down on her bed in complete darkness. The darkness within her is so strong that it engulfs the entire place and all she has is darkness so much so that even her own self is not visible to her until she touches her hand to realize where her hand is.

Its from this darkness and sadness she looks to see where she is and how she reached this state. She goes deeper and deeper and suddenly the bright light shone on the vibrant colorful day happiness overloaded in everything around her it was her marriage day.  She could see herself decked up in the most beautiful attire of bright magenta dress and loaded with gold jewellery sparking as the light fell on it. The house filled with all the relatives and friends enjoying the celebration of the deep bond between Radha and Hari who have been the childhood friends and now taking the plunge to strengthen the bond and give it the  name of Marriage. In all the glory they get married and move to the big city from their small town to start a life together filled with love and joy. The years passed by and they start the journey in the city struggling to make the ends meet with both of them working hard and getting engrossed in their hectic life leaves them with little or no time for each other.  

This pattern is so much that at times days pass by they have not spoken more than a few words to each other. The days they speak it’s only arguing and proving whose right with justification and trying to make the other understand that I am right. Both on the journey that am correct am right and am making the relationship work. This continued for another few months and a year later the huge blow came to Radha‘s Life. Hari came home today and announced his final decision of walking out of the relationship leaving Radha stunned and frozen.

The night has passed and clouds have flown past her sky. The orange sun is out in full bright  and brightens the room and she can feel her breathing becoming normal and  now she gets up startled looking around at the room and is awakened to feeling that life is not over. Puts on loud happy music dances away and yells in happiness thanking her stars it was a Dream!

Image is a still from the movie Hindi Medium


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