How Does It Feel To Be A Working Mom?

Please stop judging a working mom as it is the most difficult role a woman can assume-dividing herself between her work and a piece of her heart.

Being a working woman when I decided to be a mom, the first concern I had was will I be able to give time to my child when he/she is born? And believe me, this is the concern of most of the women out there who have a thriving career on the one hand but want to embrace motherhood on the other hand. Once I became a mom to a cute little angel, my baby girl, I had to take a long leave from my job. People at my workplace used to crib about me saying nasty things like ‘Is she only one in this world who has become a mom that she is taking leave for three years?’ and much more! I want to let you know that all my co-workers are women and despite this, they were quite jealous of me giving time to my baby instead of my job. Only I know how I managed to be on leave for such a long time. Since I had a well-paying job I didn’t want to resign from it. (though many times I did think of leaving it for good!)

But the even more difficult phase of my life started when I joined my job after three years. I had to leave my beloved child who had never spent a minute without me in a daycare center away from me for the entire day! For almost a year I used to leave my child in the daycare center for the whole day. Thereafter, my father-in-law expired and mother-in-law came to live with me and my hubby. This made life a little easier for us as now at least my child lives happily at her own home under the care and supervision of her grandmother. But, I as a mom often miss spending time with my daughter. I miss giving her a bath and dressing her up after she comes back from school. I miss playing with her and sharing stories with her. After a tiring day, I take rest and start preparing for the next day. Cooking, ironing, serving food, evening prayers, watching tv for 10-15 minutes is all I can do after taking a little rest once I am back from work. Hardly any time to give to my child. All this takes a toll on my mental health. I feel guilty for not being able to give time to my child in her growing years.

I know, all working moms have the same Guilty feeling for not being able to balance their work and mommyhood responsibilities. I have penned down a heartfelt poem for all we working moms who keep trying hard to balance our roles of being a mom and being a career woman. Please read and share it if you like it.

A Working Mom

The day you were born, I promised to be with you every moment of your life no matter what!

I forgot I am not just a mom but a ‘Working mom’…

I had to go back to work soon after you were just a few months old and still needed me badly…

I had to go out and fulfil my work commitments while leaving you in a ‘paid care’…

I needed to earn money so that I could fulfil all your wishes while knowing it well all you needed was the company of your mom!

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While at work, my attention was divided between you and my work…

I made frequent calls at your daycare to enquire about your well being, I missed lunch when you didn’t eat anything…

I went to work with a heavy heart when despite your illness I had to leave you at daycare, I felt angry at myself for not being there for you when you needed me.

The world calls working moms selfish- Selfish because they are staying at home with their kids, selfish because they are not giving time to their kids, selfish because they are busy making an identity for themselves ignoring their kids…

‘Selfish’ What a joke! When all a working mom does, is all for her kids, when she keeps thinking about her kids while she is at her workplace.

She happily leaves all opportunities to earn extra money to have fun with friends at the workplace and sometimes even her promotion so that she could give all her time and attention to her kids…

Please stop judging a working mom as it is the most difficult role a woman can assume-dividing herself between her work and a piece of her heart.

A working mom is the strongest version of a woman and should never ever be underestimated and criticized for all that she does is no less than moving mountains!

First published here.

Image via Pixabay


About the Author

Deeksha Tripathi

Deeksha Tripathi is a Psychology Lecturer and an author. She is also pursuing a Diploma in Psychological Counselling. Having a background in Psychology and a love for writing makes her writings helpful for people to read more...

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