Knowledge Sharing Is Also An Essential Service

There's a lot more to working from home during this confinement period than simply daily task completion and work deadlines.

There’s a lot more to working from home during this confinement period than simply daily task completion and work deadlines.

During regular times, employees generally don’t get enough time to attend trainings that are organized as they have to meet their targets or maybe do their daily task.

But during this time, when everyone is stuck at home, don’t you think this is the best time for companies to train their employees so that they give better results once they step back to their routines at work not all that the employee also feel connected with the company at the same time. The major issue still remains that trainings involve costs for employers. Yet, I would tend to disagree here.

How do you go about this?

Nominate one person from your team and tell them to select a topic of their own and train the team. You don’t need to hire a outside trainer always. Every person has a strength which can help other to grow and also will help the team to bond in a better way.

Make the best of this time annd begin listing a few free courses available online below incase anyone is looking for options. In case you are aware of any other courses that are available for free, please feel free to add them in the comments.

Here are a list of free courses you could benefit from during the period. 

Helpul suggestions

Here are a few apps which can help you to develop your skills during this tough time:

1.Scribd is offering a free 30-day subscription,you can finish all books which you thought you will do in free time.

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2.If you want to become a multi-lingual person, Try Duolingo.

4.If you want to improve your vocabulary, Download Magoosh. GRE people use it but even you can.

5.About Digital Marketing- Those who still don’t know much of it (like me) start doing Google certifications. Start with Search Ads.

6.If increasing Instagram reach is difficult for you, #hashtags play a major role. Use apps like ‘Auto Hashtag Maker’ for it.

First published here.

Image Source: Pexels


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