COVID-19 Crisis: What Our Kids Need To Learn

Are we overlooking the need of the hour during this lockdown? Kids need so much more than what they get from their online lessons.

Are we overlooking the need of the hour during this lockdown? Kids need so much more than what they get from their online lessons.

I don’t think any of us would have imagined anything remotely like the situation we are in a few months back. We all knew about the novel Corona virus, we knew about the devastation in China, but we still were sharing positive messages on WhatsApp. We were finding reasons why Coronavirus would not survive in India.

After the lockdown, we all became one with all our differences. We all are praying together and we all know we will overcome this.

As Indians, we are quite positive and always hope for the best. Perhaps, it’s in our DNA?

How we cope

We are finding new ways of entertaining ourselves while at home.

There are so many challenges being thrown and accepted.
Men are cleaning their house and cooking to show that they are real men, even though I don’t understand how that makes the man ‘real’.

Women are cooking like nobody’s business and posting the pictures of the dishes all over social media. Everything looks fabulous!

But I wish someone talked about the real challenges.

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Lockdown has made me realize that I wish my school had taught me basic plumbing. I wish I heard learnt how to repair few electric appliances instead of making solar system or pinhole camera with cardboard and thermocol. I wish my mom or school had taught me how to make a meal with limited resources. Because I know everyone might not be getting all the necessary ingredients like the lucky ones who are posting pictures of the delicacies they are making.

My kids need to have skills to survive

God forbid, if these kind of situations arise anytime in the future, I wish my kids are ready and have the necessary skills to survive.

While all schools are so proud that they are conducting online classes to keep the kids busy and asking them to do the same old projects for homework, I wish they realize that survival skills are the need of the hour.

Learning exercises , writing essays on ‘A day during lockdown’ or making a bar graph about the Covid cases in the country will not help them when they are in lockdown.

After the lockdown, lot of things need to change and having life skills , I would like to call them survival skills, are important and every child should be taught at school and at home.

However rosy the social media looks, everyone is struggling in their own way. Our kids are in this because of us so it’s our duty to train them to survive these situations.

I am doing my duty, I wish the school does too.

Image Source: Sputnik News


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